22: Stampedes and Painful Bleeds

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I ran through the forest, my black combat boots kicking up dirt and leaves.

Somehow, the creepers had sped up and were going almost as fast as I was.

I tripped on a branch and scrambled to my feet again.

I felt a pull on my hair and whipped out my knife, slashing at the zombie. It wouldn't let go and was opening it's mouth to take a bite. I sliced the hair off and kept running. I don't know how we were going to hold all of them off. The only thing we could do was run.

They were coming at me from all directions. I fumbled through my pockets to find something, anything to defend my self better. I pulled out one bullet. It had to count. I slipped it into my gun and kept sprinting.

One stepped in my way and I quickly jabbed it's eye and yanked it out of its socket.

There were two zombies running at me from the front. I shot one of them and stabbed the other.

I seemed to outrun them and saw the part in the trees towards the opening of camp.

Everyone still sat by the fire, the only two people who weren't there were Ryan and Kiera. I heard shouting from one of the trailers.

"Hundreds.... Coming towards camp. We need to make a run for it." I panted.

Everyone got up and quickly gathered guns and sentimental belongings. I banged on the trailer door where Ryan and Kiera were shouting at each other and opened the door.

Tears streaked her face and Ryan looked angry.

"No time for this. Hurry."

I grabbed a shotgun laying in the drivers seat.

They took the hint and rushed out the door.

Ryan, Jane, Jack, and I ran out to the yellow truck. Ryan and I sat in the truck bed while Jane and Jack sat in the front.

Zombies surrounded us.

"Drive!" I yelled.

The car sputtered to life and took off, throwing me up against the back.

A few creepers held onto the bumper and I shot them all in the eye. Ryan stood up and shot some towards the front of the car. Jane's head stuck out the window, aiming her small pistol at a zombies head. She was crying and shooting at the same time.

I saw Aiden darting through the forest after us.

"Aiden!" Jane yelled. She started to open the door.

"Jane! No!" Ryan commanded.

She took her hand off the handle. Aiden was getting closer when a creeper leaped on top of him and took a large bite of his back. He screamed in agony and blood poured out of his mouth.

"No!" She sobbed.

"Jane we have to go!" I yelled.

"We can't leave him!" She protested.

"He is already dead."

Jack kept speeding through the forest.

I kept shooting zombies behind us while Ryan shot in front of us and Jane sobbed in the passenger seat.

I heard distant gunshots, then they got closer. I slid up against the back of the truck again and I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I dismissed it and kept shooting.

The crowds of creepers were thinning out and I rested.

I turned and saw Ryan's face was red and blotchy.

Blood smeared across the sides and front of the car.

Ryan slumped down next to me, breathing heavily.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"M-My mom."

"I'm sure she is fine."

He cried into his hands. I pulled him close to my chest and kissed the top of his head.

Jack started slowing down when we approached a large lake.

"We can't worry about that right now. If we know she is safe, she is safe. Right now, we know that we are safe." I whispered.

I heard Jane's muffled sobbing inside the truck.

"Lake is clear."

I looked up and saw Jack standing at the back of the truck.

"Ok. We will be right down." I answered. He went into the front seat to comfort Jane.

"Let's go wash up."

I helped him out of the truck and down to the lake. Jane was still in the truck. I don't know what I would do if I lost Ryan.

I helped him take his shirt off. He stood, expressionless.

I held his face in my hands.

"What's the matter?" I asked gently as I stroked his face.

He didn't answer. Something was really up.

"Do you want to wash yourself off?" I asked again. No answer. His eyes wandered off to something in the distance.

I smiled. "Do you want my bra?"

Still no answer.

I pulled my hand away. "Tell me when you're ready. I'll be in the water."

I turned and took off my shirt and slipped off my pants.

I dove into the cool water. It felt so good. I scrubbed my hair and rubbed off the blood stains. My hand touched my tattoo and I saw an actual bullet hole in my tattoo of a bullet hole. I laughed as I swam back to shore.

I sat down on the warm sand and steadied my fingers so I could take the bullet out.

I started reaching my fingers in when my hand was pushed out of the way.

I turned and saw Ryan, still expressionless, pulling the bullet out of my back. A sharp pain went through my back again and I whimpered. I felt him push a cloth up to it to stop the bleeding.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

He moved my hand so it pushed up against the cloth and he walked away. I didn't know why he was so psyched. He never acted like this.

I got changed then found a first aid kit in the car and wrapped gauze around my shoulder.

Jane sat in the shallow waters of the lake and cried more. I didn't know how she had anything left to cry.

I layed on the sand and looked up at the twinkling stars. It was so peaceful in space. It was silent up there. Sometimes I wonder if it is just easier to be dead. I wouldn't have to worry about enough ammo, or checking the perimeter before you pee, or losing Ryan. I would just be gone and the pain would be over. Then, I remebered my tattoo. I was given this life because I was strong enough to live it. I had made it this far and I couldn't give up now.

I heard Ryan lay down next to me.

"She said she would kill everyone I loved."

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