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"The Borrire virus seems the be spreading in the west and making it's way to the east coast from there. CDC members are trying to control the outbreak, but have made no progress in a cure. Stay indoors and stock up." My mom clicked the off button on the TV and the new's casters voice cut off as the screen went black.

"I was watching that." I said.

"Can we not do this right now?" She put her hands on her hips, a strand of auburn hair drifted onto her forehead.

"Momma, do you think the CDC can stop it?" Jane's timid voice asked.

"Honey, we are going to be fine. It isn't moving very fast. Just hit Wisconsin. We will be fine." She knelt down and put her hands on Jane's small shoulders, then kissed her on the head and walked out of the kitchen.

The Virus started spreading four years ago, when I was ten. Still, at fourteen, I was still nervous about the Virus coming to New Hampshire.

"Ryan, do you think those people will come here?" Jane asked me as she slid into a kitchen stool on the other side of me.

"People? Jane, those things aren't people, they are monsters. Worse than the ones under your bed." We had learned a little bit about the Virus in biology. Our school was already practicing drills in case an outbreak happened. "They will come in, and rip open your stomach. They will eat you like you are a bowl of Mac n cheese."

I saw fear grow in her big brown eyes. "H-How will I know they are coming?"

"You will smell them, they will smell like mom's tuna casserole."

"Ew." She scrunched up her nose.

I nodded. "And when they come, there is no way to get out of it. They will eat you no matter what. No negotiating, no trying to be their friend-"

"Stop scaring her, Ry. She is just a kid." Jack came in and plucked a chip from a bowl on the counter.

Jane slapped me on the arm. "It's not funny."

"Then why did you look scared?"

"I-I wasn't scared." She stammered.

"Lay off her." Jack said again. He was always on her side. When I heard mom was having a boy, I thought he would be my mini soldier, instead he is Jane's bodyguard.

I put my hands up in defense. "Just trying to prepare her for what's going to come."

"Don't you have homework or something?" Jack wrapped his arms around Jane and she crossed her arms.

I scoffed and picked up my pencil to continue my math homework, which I had purposely put off until Sunday.

I heard my phone buzz and looked down at the screen. Kiera texted me,

Me and Faith r going to movie Fri. She is bringing Turner and I don't want to watch her helpless attempts to flirt the whole time. Come with?

I texted back,


Kiera and I had been together for a month. We had already been voted best couple for the yearbook. People say we are going to end up marrying each other, which may or may not be true. I really did like her, and I think she likes me a lot too, but I can't think about love. It's such a strong word, I don't know if I'm ever going to love somebody other than my mom, dad, and (possibly) siblings. I tried not to think that far ahead, but I couldn't shake the thought of watching Kiera walk down the aisle.

I shivered and continued writing out the Pythagorean theorem.

"Clara, we need to start stocking up." I heard my dad's muffled voice through the wall.

"Mason, it's not coming. I don't want to scare the kids either."

"Better to be safe than sorry."

"It won't come to the coast, we will be fine."

I wish my mom was right, I wish the Virus wouldn't reach the coast. But I knew my wish wouldn't come true.

It was coming.


Haha I tricked you! A little epilogue in Ryan's POV before the apocalypse.

Manifestation (the sequel) is out and ready for you to read!

Hope you liked it! Tell me if you like his point of view!!!


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