11:The One

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I snuck out to the lake where Ryan told me to meet him. I don't know why I hadn't told him to back off after what had happened with Jim and I, but I needed to see him.

There was no longer watch being placed on him. We had concluded that he wasn't going to try to kill us all in our sleep any time soon.

I looked around and saw nobody. Was he even here yet? That was when I felt arms wrap around my torso.

I turned and saw his beautiful smile over my shoulder. I smiled back and kissed him lightly.

"God I've missed you." He whispered. I blushed and we sat down on the sand, our fingers laced together.

"You know, I have kissed you three times now and I still don't know your name." He chuckled.

"Well you never asked." I giggled back.

"What is your name?" He asked.


His eyes grew wide. "Seriously?"

I nodded.

"Dude, I'm from Arizona. No joke."

I laughed. "Welcome home."

He kissed me again.

"So why aren't you in Arizona?" I asked.

He looked down.

"Don't you have family there?" I asked again.

"I left for a reason. Let's just leave it at that." He replied.


We sat there for a while, watching the sun rise. The crimson and magenta hues highlighted the sky. It was beautiful.

I leaned my head on his shoulder. I could tell he was surprised.

"I have to go." I got up.

"K, I'm gonna stay down here."

"See you later." I made my way back up the hill.

I snuck back into the tent and pretended to fall asleep. Jim came in ten minutes later.

"Ari, you awake?" He shook my lightly.

I turned over, opened my eyes lightly and smiled.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Whitney made breakfast."

I got up and we walked off to the main house. The strong aroma of bacon filled my nostrils.

"Bacon?" I asked.

"Josh went into town yesterday, whole convience store untouched." Jim explained.

I sat down next to Ryan and Jim. It made me feel divided. The half of me that had the urge to kiss Ryan, and the other half that wanted to play it cool and pretend to love Jim.

Everyone sat down and I noticed Debbi wasn't here.

"Debbi is eating in the nursery." Jim whispered.

I picked up a piece of bacon. Ryan's leg brushed mine and I looked over at him. He smiled, I looked away.

We finished breakfast and I went out into the forest with Claw.

Claw's real name was Xavier but we called him claw because of the bear claw he always wore around his neck. He had killed over forty zombies with the claw.

"Jim told me about you canceling your engagement."

I looked down at my dirty sneakers.

"I didn't know he could tell anyone in such a short amount of time."

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