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The sky was dark. A dark black color, and ruby red lightning rumbled and poured everywhere.

The POV came from Cherith herself as she stared around the burnt forest she was around.

At her feet were dead roots, and on her hand was blood.


September 8th.

"So! Will you be going to the party?!"

Leslie asked her as they settled for Trig class that morning and Cherith wrinkled her nose at the odd question.

"What party?"

Leslie sighed at her friend.

"You poor, innocent youngling."

Cherith grinned at her.

"I am young, yes."

"So? You're in your senior year! I assure you I will spoil that innocence before we leave Mystic Falls High."

Cherith rolled her eyes.

"It doesn't matter anyways, my siblings are already giving Jenna a lot of work on her hands... well, Jeremy is... but anyways, I can't afford to give her a heart attack before I turn 18."

Leslie snorted before sighing.

"Fine, fine. I'll give you all the details another day. Maybe this time Mallory Dawson will finally dump Chad Davis and I'll have a chance."

She wished dramatically and Cherith rolled her eyes.

"Not gonna happen. Mallory knows the multitude of girls after Davis and so she's going to hog him till possibly after graduation."

Leslie sighed darkly.

"The bitch."

Cherith chuckled before quieting as the teacher walked in and classes started.


At The Party

"I like Bonnie. She seems like a good friend."

Stefan said to Elena where they stood at the bridge by the party.

Elena smiled.

"Probably the best friend you could ever have."

He nodded.

"And your sister, Cherith. She's...adorable."

Elena laughed.

"That's what you think. That's hat everyone thinks and I understand why. Her looks make her stand out a lot, like Snow White in a... dreary town. She is that beautiful in an innocent way. But get to know her and you'll realize she's someone to be very wary of. She can be vengeful when she wants to be."

Stefan frowned.

"She didn't seem that way though."

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