Night of The Comet 3

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Caroline sighed as she walked out of the Grill that night, slightly bored out of her mind.

It was dark out and she couldn’t spot anyone around as she walked towards her car.

She sighed once more.

The day had been a total bust.

From finding no one to keep her sweet time, to helping Matt look for his druggie sister and not running into her mysterious sexy stranger, she was definitely feeling super irritated and frustrated.

The sound of footsteps and the wind snapped her out of her mind as she stopped, looking around and yet didn’t spot anyone.

She shook her head.

She must have drank too much.

Times like this, she was super glad her mum would be spending the night at the station. She really wasn’t interested in her scolding. Not like she cared.

She continued her walk towards her car and heard the footsteps and the wind again and stopped, looking around but still not spotting anyone.

Now, she was getting super creeped out and her heartbeat quickened slightly. Her steps also quickened as she got to her car and dipped her hand into her bag, looking for her car keys while looking around, the hair on her neck raised.

Just then, she heard the wind settle behind her and whipped to look behind with speed and sighed when she saw just who was behind her.

“Oh wow! Geez!”

She breathed out, her hand moving to rest on her chest to steady her beating heart.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

Her sexy, mysterious stranger spoke in a voice that definitely made her shiver.

He was donned up in all black and his eyes! Oh Caroline felt it was finally her lucky day.

Take that Elena!

“No, it’s fine.”

She waved his concern away, before looking at him with a saucy look.

“But, you know… I was hoping I’d see you again…”

Tall, dark and handsome smirked.

“I know”

Caroline scoffed though a grin was playing across her beautiful features.

“Cocky much?”

“Very much.”

Caroline’s answering grin was everything.


Salvatore Boarding House.

“Sorry for barging in…”

Elena said as she was invited in by Stefan who shook his head.

“No, I’m… really glad you’re here. The way we left things… I didn’t like it.”

He spoke softly, looking at Elena with a sad smile which she reciprocated before sighing.

“See, the thing is, I got home tonight planning on doing what I always do, write in my diary, like I have been since my mom gave me one when I was 10. It's where I get everything out, everything I'm feeling. It all goes in this little book that I hide on the second shelf behind this really hideous ceramic mermaid. But then I realized that I'd just be writing things that I should probably be telling you.”

“What would you write?”

Stefan asked curiously and she looked at him fully before answering.

“I would write... ‘Dear diary, today I convinced myself it was ok to give up. Don't take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama, now is just not the time. But my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses. All I'm doing is hiding from the truth, and the truth is that...’.”

Then Elena sighed.

“I'm scared, Stefan. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that...the world's just going to come crashing down, and I...don't know if I can survive that.”

Stefan nodded understandingly, quiet for a second before he finally spoke.

“Do you want to know what I would write?”

He asked her and she shook her head.

“I would write… ‘I met a girl. We talked. It was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in. Well, this is reality. Right here'.”

He looked at her with such heavy emotions which she reciprocated as they got closer to one another and their kiss was like fireworks exploding everywhere.



Mystic Falls was quiet.

That was the first thing she noticed as she stepped into town.

It had a desolate feeling but yet it felt electric as well.

It was understandable. Mystic Falls was a sort of beacon on its own that drew all sorts of things to it.

Anna Zhu smirked as the wind billowed through her hair.

“Hello Mystic Falls… looks like I’m staying for a while.”


Forbes Residence.

Caroline moans as the stranger now known as Damon kisses her stomach sensually.

Suddenly he stops, taking a deep breath and Caroline looked down at him only to stare horrified as his face transforms into a demon-like monstrosity, and without so much as given her a chance, lunges for her neck.

Her scream is all we hear of her.



Gilbert Residence.


Cherith gasps awake from where she’d fallen asleep on her aunt’s shoulder who was still into the movie.

Jenna turned to her with a wry grin.

“You fell asleep kiddo. Didn’t want to wake you up. You should get to bed. New day, tomorrow after all.”

Cherith nods slowly, still slightly shaken up by the heart wrenching scream that had woken her up.

She shivered as the hairs on her body were raised and her heart beat was super fast.

It made her feel… like there was something going on, something bad, and she didn’t like it. Not one bit.

She went into Elena’s room and saw she still wasn’t back. Neither was Jeremy.

It made her worried, not knowing where her siblings were and if they were okay.

She had no idea what made her this way but she knew she’d always trusted her instincts and it had yet to fail her.

As she climbed into bed, hugging herself delicately, she wondered what was going on.

And if her family was okay.

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