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Park Chaeyoung's POV

Waking up in the hospital ward full of other patients in the morning was not I expected to experience ever in my life. Especially when everyone in the ward are having the same disease and is known to be deadly in the world. I wondered how long I will be here because my symptoms were acting badly for the moment.

As I was watching each of the patients which came from different types of age and severity around me, the door of our ward is opened and I saw two familiar eyes looking back at me as he approached my bed.

"Hey, Chae. How are you feeling this morning?", he asked as I saw what he was holding in his hands. "I went to your house last night. Your husband sent you these.", he added as he took out the food container from the paper bag.

He was wearing a full on personal protective equipment (PPE) gears as I watched him putting the food container on the small table space at the end of my bed. Then, he showed me a duffel bag and put it inside the cabinet beside my bed. He told me Jimin prepared clothes for me in that duffel bag.

"He made you ginseng soup. I wanted to give it to you last night but you were already sleeping. I've heated it up. Do you need my help...Chaeyoung?", I crawled to the end of the bed to look at the food and unknowingly shed a tear as I looked at what Jimin gave me. "Chae, are you alright?", Jaehyun asked me.

I remained silent before I felt his hand touching my arm lightly. I looked up at him and wiped my tears away while saying sorry that he had to see me like this. I must be a burden to him.

"How is he?", I spoke with my hoarse voice when Jaehyun gave me the spoon and fork.

"He's fine. His test result should be out today. I'll let you know when it's out.", Jaehyun replied as he watched me staring at the soup in front of me. "Chaeyoung, umm...do you want me to leave you alone?", he asked me.

"How long will I be here?", I replied with a question back at him.

He shifted his eyes when I looked at him. I knew he cannot give me a definite answer.

"I cannot...tell exactly when but I'm sure you'll be walking out of here when you're getting bet.."

"Will I get better?", I cut him off as I put the spoon and fork on the table.

"Chaeyoung, you will. Just...listen to the doctor and nurse. Don't be stress about anything, your work or any negative thoughts..."

"I'm not trying to be negative but from what I've experienced since yesterday...I can only see how my condition will get worse from time to time. I should've taken care of myself better...", I wiped the tears that threatened to fall. "It's funny. I'm a doctor but I can't even take care of myself..", I laughed a little at myself.

Jaehyun shook his head and held both my shoulders to make me look up to him.

"This virus doesn't care who you are, Chaeyoung. Anyone can get it. Be it a healthy doctor like you or an infant or an active man at his fifties, anybody..anyone could be infected with it. You shouldn't feel bad for getting infected. You should be strong. Stay strong to fight this virus. You have us, we will treat you as best as we can but you...you have to help us. Help us by being strong for yourself. Okay?", a tear still managed to escape from my right eye as I listened to Jaehyun.

He wiped the tears away and put the spoon in my hand again.

"Right now, I know what can help you be stronger. Eat.", he put the fork in my other hand. "Your husband cooked it for you. I'm sure it will give you the strength you need.", he added as he took my face mask off from my face.

I smiled at him and thanked him for his kind words. Then, he left me to go check other patients while I had my soup. A small smile formed on my face after I had the first spoon of the soup. It's good. I felt lucky I still have my sense of taste working fine for me. Jimin did great with the ginseng soup.


Park Jimin's POV

"Oh, thank you, doctor.", I said after I have been told about my swab test result.

It turned out negative but I did not feel good about it. A sigh escaped my mouth after I ended the call from the hospital. I am still worried about Chaeyoung.

I wanted to call her but I am afraid I will disturb her. I am not even sure if she is allowed to use her phone at the hospital. They might prevent her from using her phone to rest and focus on treatment. I could only pray that everything will be alright and she will be free from the virus soon.

I was playing around with Joohwang making him swim around his big tank when my phone rang again. I blinked a few times when I see the name on the screen. I wondered why my father-in-law is calling me...

"Annyeong, dad.", I said as I answered his call.

"Jimin..where are you?", he asked me right away.

"I'm at home, dad.", I answered in short.

Then, he told me that he found out about Chaeyoung and asked about me.

"I'm negative, dad. I just got the result 15 minutes ago.", I told him.

"That's a relief. At least, one of you are fine. I am really worried about Chaeyoung, Jimin. When her doctor called me informing me that she's Covid positive, I wish I could go and see her, son..", it struck me that my father-in-law's office is near the hospital so I asked him if he managed to see Chaeyoung. "No, Jimin. Even if I'm one of the board of directors, the doctors wouldn't allow me to see my own daughter. The risk is too high, they said.", he told me.

"Did you get to call her? I mean...did she answer her phone? I was wondering if she's allowed to use phone or not so..."

"I called her this morning but she was still sleeping. A nurse answered instead and told me about her condition for me.", he said. I continued asking what did the nurse told him about Chaeyoung. "She's having a high fever and her sore throat hasn't been gone yet. Her condition is...not improving since last night.", I held my tears in as Chaeyoung's father told me the details of her condition.

I might be a strong person but there are times I feel weak too. And this time is one of those weak time for me. I can barely do anything at home. Everything I do, there will be a mistake happening.

"I need Chaeyoung.", my mouth said those words when Chaeyoung's father called for my name as I remained silent from him.

I did not even realized how my cheeks got wet from the tears that fell on my face.

"I need Chaeyoung, dad.", I repeated while sobbing.

I could not hear a thing from him for a while. I knew he must be worried and sad too for Chaeyoung.

"Let's pray for her, okay? I know you need her. She needs you too. She needs us. You have to be strong for her and pray for her to get better.", he responded after a while.

I nodded to it as if he was right in front of me. After the call, I looked at Joohwang who was hitting his head on the wall. I put my hand on the wall of the tank and moved it slowly to the right and left. Joohwang followed the movement of my hand making me smile as I remembered the times I see Chaeyoung playing with him.

"Joohwangie-ya, your best friend Chaeyoung...you will probably not see her for a week or more...she's...not feeling well and had to stay at the hospital...can you help me, Joohwangie?", I put my hand above the water and Joohwang kissed my hand.

"Pray with me. Pray for her health. Let's wish she get better soon.", I told the orange fish as if it understands me.


Anyone miss me? 😬 I'll come again tomorrow. 🤗

Married in Lockdown (COMPLETED)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα