🐺 Chapter 4. Barricade

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((James's P.O.V))

"Daddy? Where is Skye?"

Oliver walked op to me with a sad look on his face and Rose sat down beside me. I pulled Oliver on my lap and sighed. "Skye... she's hanging out in the woods..." I said. "I haven't seen her for four days..." Oliver mumbled sadly. "It's complicated..."

"But... she'll come back, right?"
"Of course, Ollie..." I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around her. I hoped she would come back. After Lecan's death, she acted strange and I blamed the grief. I know how close she was to Lecan. It came to a shock for all of us.

"She will come back soon..." I said. "Why don't you guys play, huh?" I asked. Rose sighed and laid her head on her arms on the table. "She is part of the family, dad."
"I know... and she'll come back soon! Don't worry..."

As the kids went outside to play, I grabbed my phone to see if my brother William had called me back, but he still hadn't. It started to annoy me. I wanted to sort things out but he apparently didn't. We fell in an argument because Dinther job I picked. He never wanted me to join the military.

I decided to call him but I got his voicemail, so I left him a message. "I know I have called you so many times but... I just want to talk. I know you don't feel it and I know you're angry but it's been years and you're my brother and I miss talking to you. My kids are always asking about you and so is Nicole. Besides, I'd like you to meet my partner... anyway, just call me back when you et the change? Okay? I don't want to have this situation anymore..."

I sighed as I shut my phone and laid it on the table. Nicole wrapped her arms around me. "You know he won't call you..." she mumbled as she buried her face in my neck. "I know... I just wish he did. I have been thinking about traveling to N.E.S.T myself and just confront him but... he probably won't let me in anyway..." I sighed sadly.

"And now this whole situation with Skye. She's acting so strange lately and she never attacked anyone before. What am I supposed to do with her? She's already on the blink of of getting taken away from me..." I sighed and shook my head. "Working for K19 was like a dream for me... and I can't imagine a better partner... but, what am I supposed doing they kick me out of the team?"

Nicole sat beside me and grasped my hand. "That won't happen... Skye is one of the best so don't worry about her and they need you too. They won't just kick you off the team!" She stated. I kissed her lips before getting up when I heard Oliver and Rose bicker.


I clapped my hands and separated them. "That's enough! What's going on?" I asked,— crossing my arms. "Olivier stole my blue crayon!" Rose snapped while glaring at her younger brother. "Oliver! Give it back and play nice with your sister or I'll let Skye have all your candy!" I threatened.

He pouted and quickly gave the blue crayon back to his sister. "Sweetheart? Can you go to the store?" Nicole asked as she handed me a list. I nodded and left shortly after. A perfect time to clear my mind a little bit and perhaps I'll see Skye somewhere along the way. She can't be far. She's always keeping an eye on the house and on the kids.

"Skye!" I shouted, but there was no reaction. Little disappointed I walked over to town, but before I arrived, a car pulled up next to me. A frown spread over my face as a cop hopped out. First thing that popped up in my mind was Skye's attack, but then I recognized this man from last week. He was the one Siku told me who had murdered Zane for some unknown reason. I could feel discomfort rise up, how did he find me and what did he want from me?

I had no weapons with me and he had. "James Lennox? Brother of William Lennox, right?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes and tensed. "Yes, why?" I asked. "Your brother forms an ally with the Autobots... that makes you my enemy as well..." he said.

"What are you talking about?"
He punched me in the face and I nearly collapsed. "You shouldn't have been there... you shouldn't have taken this job in general, James!" The man snapped. I wiped some blood of my face and narrowed my eyes. "Are you threatening me?" I snapped and jabbed my finger in his chest.

He looked at it before staring into my eyes. The eye color, it changed from hazel brown to red. He's not an ordinary cop and he ain't friendly either. "What are you?"
"Your worst nightmare!" He snapped as he aimed his gun at me. He was about to shoot as Skye showed up and jumped, slamming him the ground.

The cop dropped his gun in process and groaned,— hissing in pain as Skye bit him multiple times. The thing that shocked me besides the red eyes are his blood. It's not red, but blue. The man had a knife and I was too late. He stabbed Skye four times between her ribs and in her stomach.

She let out a scream and collapsed on the floor, blood rushing out. I wanted to help her, but the cop grabbed his gun off the floor. We ended up in a wrestling,— battling for the gun. I kicked the cop and tried to snitch it outbid his hands but he was so strong. I have never felt anyone being so strong as this man or whatever he is.

All that kept flowing through my mind right now, is Skye. I glanced at her. She wasn't moving she was just laying there and the only thing that told me she wasn't dead was the quick rising and falling of her chest and flank.

The guy snitched the gun out of my hands and shot six times...

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