🐺 Chapter 6. Dangerous

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My frustration drove me crazy. I didn't want to interact with anyone not even with Siku or anyone else from my pack. Not with humans, not with Rose or Oliver. I was locked away in a cage because people didn't trust me anymore. Two weeks. That's how long it is after the funeral.

I just felt so empty. It's not the first time someone I am close does but, I lost so many people o care about that at some point I can't handle it anymore. A shadow fell upon me and as I looked up, I knew exactly who this is.

William Lennox.

Anger rose up in me. Because he never sort things out with James and because he was never there for him. I lunged for his throat if not for the bars stopping me. "I know what and who you are Skye..." je nearly sounded like James. Same hair, same eyes, same body posture and same voice but Will is still different.

"I know you're angry... you have all the reason to be angry..." he went off. I growled and showed my fangs. "I miss James too, just as much as you do Skye..."
I snarled and paced around in the small cage. "He told me over the phone calls he left me how badly he wanted me to meet and when you showed up at the funeral... I knew why he was so happy to have you as his friend..."

I showed my fangs again. "I know it's hard for you to be here... to get confronted with the fact James isn't among us anymore. Just as hard that you'll get a new partner... I am really sorry, Skye."

I wish I could believe him, but I didn't and felt hurt,—betrayed even. I turned my head away from him. "Nicole his worried about you and people here can't handle you... so I have asked them to take you to Washington DC..." he said.

I snorted angrily and laid down, ignoring him. Will that change anything? Will that change the fact what happened? "We leave tomorrow morning..." he added and walked off,— leaving me here alone. I don't want to go to Washington DC. In fact, I don't know what I want.

The journey was long. Or it felt longer than usual for me. I never really complain about traveling but this time it's just feels different. A new environment, new people and I am all alone. Once we arrived, I felt grumpy and frustrated.

It's not hard to read the anger from my body language. A scowl seemed to be permanently glued to my face and I snarled at everyone and everything. People didn't want to come near me. Will gave me a room and told me to take some rest. I just laid down on the floor, staring at nothing.

I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep, but it was filled with nightmares about that day.
The next day, Lennox woke me up from my restless slumber. "Morning Skye..." I completely ignored him. "We need to talk..." he said slowly as he shut the door.

"We need to know what you saw the day at the cabin..."

More ugly memories I had to remember. I am done with helping people, I am done with fighting for them and I am done listening to complaints. I hissed and jumped back on my feet. Will left pretty quick after my eruption and didn't came back either. He's afraid of me...

((Lennox's P.O.V))
"It's not gonna work! Her mental wounds are still too raw and it seems like she's isolating herself. She doesn't eat, barely drinks and sleeps, but she's the only witness we have..." I sighed. "Give her time, she'll come around..." Ironhide mumbled.

While Ironhide is protecting me, Skye had done the same for my brother. "I feel horrible and the only I feel good about right now is keeping an eye on Skye..."

"She's just grieving... give her some time and slave to adjust to this new environment and she'll come around."
I hummed and looked over the hanger, my eyes fell on the silver Corvette Stingray 2009 parked in the corner. "You think Sideswipe can help?"

Ironhide frowned as he followed my eyes. "Sideswipe? Nah..." he muttered annoyed. "Sideswipe is a pain in the ass but he was the first one to ask me if he could do something for me to support. Yes he's a trouble maker but he's also sweet and carrying. He's not stupid..."

"You can try if you'd want..."
I walked off the stairs into the hanger. "Sideswipe? Up for a little challenge?" I asked as I clapped my hands together. His holoform fizzled in. "Challenge? Always!" He grinned mischievously.

"We have a grieving and aggressive werewolf... but also a witness. Barricade nearly killed her while she was trying to protect my brother. But anyway, can you try to... do something?" I asked. He bit his lip and frowned a little. "I can try... but... no promise. Don't expect too much from me, okay?" He asked a little insecure.

I nodded and showed him the door. "You're not going with me? To introduce me?" He asked. "No, she attacked me this morning..." he said as he turned around. "You said you could fix anything, wasn't it?" I asked. Sideswipe gave me a look before rolling his eyes.

I unlocked the door and saw a white and silver bundle of fur laying on the floor and wrapped in bandages. She ignored me and Lennox shut the door behind me. I have never seen a human who is also able to transform. Sunny was asking me for, so I blocked him. I have no time for him now.

I just sat on the edge of the bed and looked down. She's a pretty wolf and it made wonder how she looks like as human. "Skye?" She snarled as I lowered my hand to touch her. "You know what I am?" I asked. She didn't face me but I saw her ears turning a bit. "I am an Autobot..." the moment I said she turned around and lunged for me.

I hit the wall and stared at her. "Let's be friends..." I moved away from her and she still seems pretty upset and angry. Damn she has some sharp teeth, I rather don't have them in my arm or leg. "People make mistakes. I make mistakes and... what happened isn't your fault..."

She halted and showed me her white teeth, her fur fluffed up. "Don't be like this... apparently you're not a fan of our race and you have all the reason to be mad... I mean... I lost my whole home... our planet. Dead, destroyed and there's nothing we can do about it. I don't ask you to like me just to accept me because I know how it feels to grief and I don't want to push you over your limit or remind you about the past..."

She snarled and turned away from me. "I want to help you find Barricade. He's the one who killed James, but we need your information. You were there and you're the only one who can tell us the truth..."

She snorted and laid down, facing the wall again. At least she didn't bite me. I slowly got up and sighed, clearing my throat. "I am Sideswipe by the way..." with that being said, I left her alone again.

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