🐺 Chapter 12. Set-up

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I seriously hated being in this position. The twins actually sort of figured out where I would go. Just glad at least some is trying to keep me hidden. Rose looked out of the window, watching the twins talk to her mother. "They will take you again..." she whispered. I now started to realize how fond she was of me. How much she saw me as her pet. Rose has absolutely not a clue of what I was. She probably had never heard of a werewolf either. I mean, there are myths, but she never spoke about it or came up with subjects like that. She's just a real girl, her entire room is pink and decorated with posters and other stuff. Very unlike her brother who has a blue room and one white wall.

Rose grabbed her backpack, stuffing some things in. "Come on, Skye... we are leaving."
I cocked my head to the side, something I did more often to tell people I was confused or didn't understand. "Come on!" she patted my head and while I got up, she sprinted towards the door. She's serious? Does she want to leave?

I walked after her anyway, sneaking out of the house through the backdoor. I don't want to bring her into danger. I blocked her way and made her stop. "What are you doing?" she asked, rubbing my silvery head. "We need to go... come on..." she said and pushed me but I didn't move a single muscle. It's not a good idea to run off. I have to run off, but she doesn't and it will only give more trouble. I won't forgive myself if something would happen to her too. I already lost my partner and it was my fault.

Rose did a step back, confused. She opened her mouth to say something as we heard voices and quickly hid in the bushes. "Rose?!" Nichole called out. Rose kept her eyes straight on her mother as she passed us. I watched her ran off without even calling out for me. Now, this is worrying, as if she knew I would follow her. I jumped over a dead tree and blocked her way again. "Skye... stop!" she snapped and passed me. I growled showing my fangs.

I think I scared her because she hit a tree and her eyes widened a little. I had never done this before. I regretted it instantly and lowered my head. I think she calmed down a bit and touched me before looking around. "We are going that way..." she pointed at the north and started walking off, not waiting for me. She didn't look back either. This is the start of a bad idea and I knew it.

Again, I followed her and crossed a creek. "We can go grandma's farm..." she said quietly. I have never met Nichole's mother. I knew James' parents both passed away, but never met any other family. Rose was quiet as she walked. Perhaps she would reconsider this, it's a bad plan. It's a bad idea and a bad day. My wounds are killing me.

We climbed up a rock and continued our way. We stopped when we neared the river and she sat down, staring at the water. I wasn't sure why she stopped but sat beside her, twitching my ears a little. "This is probably a bad idea, huh?" she asked eventually. I had already figured that out, but I won't let anything happen to her. "I miss my dad..." she said. It didn't make me feel any better. "I am not blaming you..." she added, glancing at me. "I just... I wish you were there..."

She hugged me and cried. It's the least I can do, sit still and listen. I think after ten minutes she pulled away from me. "I thought I'd lost you too... you have always been a part of the family and now some stupid people want to take you away! My own uncle, I never see..." she threw a rock in the river and screamed. I felt bad for her, but I can not change anything about the entire situation. "I don't want to stay at home either... mom is only busy calling people and doesn't want to even attempt getting you back... she said things are complicated..." she whispered.

It is, I couldn't deny that. If I was allowed to tell her the truth about what I am, I would do it. I lowered my head a little, sucking in a breath. "I am lost..." she sighed, looking around, and grabbed a stick off the floor. "Let's go back... I believe that direction."
She was talking to herself, but I decided to take the lead. "If I go back... then I have to help my mom finding you..." she said,-- halting.

I tilted my head and smelled something strange. I growled, looking around. If James would be here with me right now, he would know something is wrong, Rose didn't and she got scared. It smelled like blood.

Out of no where, A giant crocodile jumped out of the water, grabbing my hind leg and pulled me into the water. I let out a scream as I was dragged down. So many things went through mind, such as pain, fear but mostly panic.

The teeth of this animal drilled through my flesh, even hitting my bone. Where this guy came from, no idea.
I was moving and wiggling, probably hitting his eye because he let go of me for a split second. I pulled my paw back and climbed out of the water.

Rose was pretty upset, and so was I. The adrenaline covered most of the pain. The blood I had smelled came from a dead deer, or carcass actually. I held my leg up and pushed Rose away from the small swamp looking lake.

The animal came out of the water and Rose and I both made a ran for it. Or, I stayed a little behind. I collapsed due of pain and blood loss while Rose ran straight back to her mom, crying. Mostly shock of what happened...

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