🐺 Chapter 14. City

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((Sideswipe's P.O.V))
Sunstreaker woke me up. A little confused I lifted my head. He grinned, "took you long enough..." I grunted and rolled on my back. "Lennox wants to see us, you're coming?" He asked. "Primus..." I sulked. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up straight, jawing and stretching myself before I slid out of bed.

The cold air touched with my skin and made me shiver violently. In the meantime, Sunstreaker cleaned his brushes. "What time is it?" I muttered. "Uhm, 9 PM..." he replied after a brief silence. I hummed, attaching my leg holster around my left thigh.

Lennox wasn't really pleased and so was this rookie sitting right in front of his desk. "Have a seat!" It wasn't even a question. "What's going on?" I asked as I sat beside my brother in the chair. "Where's Skye?" He asked. "We locked her up in her room... we didn't want her to leave."

"Right, well she left... again!"
Sunny and I both grunted. "Where does she even get the strength from? She got injured... doesn't she need to rest?" I sulked and rolled my eyes. "Why is he sitting here?" Sunstreaker asked, pointing at the rookie. He flashed us a nervous smile. "He was supposed to guard the gate and he let her out!"

"Why did you do that?!" Sunny and I both shouted in sync. He flinched, "she was yelling at me... she told me to open the fucking gate and... she scared me." I sighed heavily and looked at Lennox. "So, what now? Can't we just let her go? She obviously doesn't want to be here and... she will keep escaping... no matter what we do."

"You think Galloway will just let her go? The only reason she's here is because of my brother. He wanted the best for her, he saw her as his own child, not just his partner and if something bad happens to her... I will never forgive myself. I already feel guilt, I owe my brother this. So get your asses out and find her!"

We got up and left in silence. "You made a good point though..." Sunstreaker commented. "Yeah, well... Lennox is not having it today and...  I don't know what to do with the femme. She hates us." Sunny shrugged. "Let's just try to find and talk to her..." I gave a small nod and followed him.

We drove around town without any luck. We doubted she got far with her injuries, but she kept surprising us. We stopped and parked, heading into the park and I guess we had luck. She was sitting against a tree, legs pulled up towards her chest and she was throwing stones into the water. She didn't seem angry, just sad.

Sunny and I halted, looking at each other for a moment. "Let's try to be nice..." he shrugged. "I won't let her insult or threat me..." he muttered under his breath. While I ignored, I walked up to Skye. "Hey..." she didn't respond and kept throwing stones into the lake. "I know you're upset... you'd like to talk about it?"

She still didn't respond. "We are not the enemy here..." I added. She snorted but said nothing. "No, really! We want to help and support you..." I said. "I don't need your support, Sideswipe! There's nothing to talk about anyway... so..." she trailed off angrily. "You blame us for something we have nothing to do with... it's not fair to treat us like we killed James..." Sunstreaker said, surpringly calm for his bad mood. Sky jumped back on her feet, "It's your freaking war! I didn't ask for this, I didn't want to be here but you guys had to take me back to Washington DC!" She shouted.

"You think this is what we wanted? Being on this planet? You're not the only one who lost someone, Skye!" Sunstreaker shouted back angrily. "You have your brother! Who do I have? James was my family, he was important to me... we worked together, but he also treated me like his daughter... my brothers died... my entire family is dead. You can't complain about being alone without family because you have Sideswipe!" She sneered and jabbed her finger in the center of my brother's chest.

"We are only trying to say that... we are not the cause James is dead, Skye. We'd like to be your friends, but only if you let us in." She snorted and turned her back towards us. "I don't want new friends... I don't want you."
We sighed and a silence felt. "Just leave me alone..."

"Your wound is bleeding... you need to rest instead of being here and jumping out of the window." She snorted, "I don't like being locked up..." she sulked. "Please... come with us, back to base."

"Why am I even wasting my time on the base? What do people want from me this time? Because there's always a reason why they ask for me. I hate it people use me because they're too weak fixing their own damn problems," she scowled. "Right now, nothing. They just want you to recover and mostly mentally..." I said.

She shot me a nasty glare, "I feel absolutely fine! I don't need you guys... what do you guys think I am going to do? Drown myself?!" She pointed at the lake.
It took us a lot of effort to get her in the car. She kept yelling and scowling, even hitting. She didn't talk to us at all when we arrived, she gave us a cold shoulder.

With force, she slammed my door closed and pushed some soldier aside,— yelling at them for being stupid and I kept apologizing to them for her behavior. I sprinted after her, "Hey! Skye please! Don't be mean towards the soldiers... they did nothing wrong."

She pushed me against the wall with surprisingly lots of strength. "I told you before that I want you to leave me alone!" She shouted. Is this a female version of Sunstreaker? Never thought it was possible to find someone else with Sunny's attitude. I guess she's just hurt and mourning. I had to admit, Skye is a feisty one.

"We just want to talk, help you—"
"IF you say that one more time I will rip your tongue out!" She screamed. I flinched, her eyes darkened dangerously. I think I really pissed her off by just being kind. Her entire body was shaking like crazy as if she was suffering from hypothermia. "Okay, okay... just calm down—"

She hit me again, quite hard I may add. "Okay, I'll give you some space then!" I shouted as she marched over to her room. I rubbed my ribs as K watched her disappear in the distance.

"I heard you found her?"
I flopped in Lennox's office chair and nodded. "We did... how can you not noticed she's back. Gosh she can punch quite hard..." I scowled and rubbed my sore ribs again. "So... how's she doing? Did you calm her down a bit?"

"She used me as punching bag... of course she's not doing fine... luckily for you I can handle hysteric femmes. She's just mourning... I guess."
Lennox crossed his arms. "Okay, well... I will talk to her myself..." he said. "You might want to take Sunny... just in case she decides to rip you apart. I don't know if you noticed... but she dislikes you."

"Thank you for the support and positive spirit... Really helps, Sideswipe!" He snapped sarcastically. I got up, "you know what I am going to do?! People keep yelling and scowling at me... so I am going to bed and forget about today!" With that being said, I pushed him aside and stormed off.

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