🐺 Chapter 10. Upset

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Sideswipe was right, the femme was pretty upset and pacing around, deep in thoughts. I wasn't sure how approach her because she's very unpredictable. "Hello fleshie..." I said but she didn't react on me at all. As if I didn't exist.

She glanced briefly at me. "Leave me alone, Sunstreaker!" She snapped. Gosh she sounded like me right now. Perhaps a female version of how I can be sometimes. "I just wanna talk... I know you don't want it. I don't like it either if someone would say it when I am upset... but I will do it anyway... because no one listens to me either..."

Besides her hands were a little bleeds, I also spotted her claws and as she turned towards me and spoke up, I saw her razor sharp teeth. Last time I checked, that hadn't been the case. Tension rose the longer I was standing here so I sat down. "Just go... bother someone else..."

"I am not going to give you 'don't blame yourself' speech again. Okay? I just need to calm down so you won't kill anybody..." I said. "I hate you!"
"Yeah, yeah... I know. Did I ask you to like me?" I mocked. "Luckily not!" She snapped. I hummed and watched her pace around and scowl at me. Well I'd it makes her feel better to blame me for everything fine. Doesn't bother me anyway. In fact, I don't give a frag of what people tell me unless it's something about Sideswipe.

"Come on, sit down..."
I patted the space besides me. She hesitated for a moment, but sat down eventually. I grabbed her hands, "put these away..." I ordered. I watched them change back into normal human nails. "Smile!"
She gave me a look but I poked her in the ribs. "Smile!" Ordered. She gave me a forced smile. "Good..." I muttered as her razor sharp were changed back into normal human teeth. "You really need to vent out..." I got up. "You wanna hit me?" I asked.

"Why would I want that?" She muttered annoyed. "Because you hate me and you're mad. Believe me it helps."
She stared at me for several moments before she got up. "I won't get mad... just hit me, okay?" I asked. Her first punch was quite soft but she started to punch my chest and stomach harder and harder. Her strength surprised me, didn't expect a wolf hybrid to have this much strength.

"Better?" I asked as she stopped. I nodded slightly and sat down again. "Have you eaten?"
"Do you care?" I snapped. "Would I ask if I didn't care?" He snapped. I shook my head slightly and shrugged. "No... not yet."

"Come on, there's a market. Perhaps a little socialization would do the trick," he said and gestured me to follow him which I did. I said nothing, I have nothing to say either. From a distance, I spotted Lennox and shot him a nasty glare.

Sunstreaker besides me punched me with his elbow in my stomach. "Ignore him, Skye. He's not worth it..." he said firmly. I wish I could just forget about it, but my hate towards other people only grew, especially now they're gossiping behind my back.

Perhaps attacking Lennox wasn't my smartest idea, but I was enraged. During the drive towards the market, I noticed I calmed down a bit. It did me good to escape the base for a little while and clear my mind. I also got the change to get to know Sunstreaker a little better.

He's not really talkative, but nevertheless, he's an okay guy I guess. When we returned, I noticed I started to feel moody again. "Perhaps you should try to be a little nicer to people..." he said. I huffed, "if I want to hurt them, then I will, Sunstreaker..."

He sucked kn a breath while gazing at me. "Don't tell me what to do..." I muttered. He didn't respond on that and let me out as soon as he rolled into the base and cut off his engine. "Hey, Skye..." Jazz greeted. I glanced briefly at him, "you'd like to join us?" He asked.

"No! Stay out of my damn way and go bother someone else!" I sneered. I pushed his holoform aside and marched over to my room. My wound was pretty painful and reddish. Not really strange considered the fact it's infected. I managed to relax a little bit as I payed down and even fell asleep.

Around 10 PM, I woke up, hungry and grumpy. The pain was killing me by now, so I took some pain medication and left to search for a meal. Walking in the cafeteria, some soldiers were sitting around a round table table playing poker while others were just chatting or watching TV. Some of them look up to me and one decided to approach me.

"Look who we got here..."
I frowned a little. "What do you want?" I snapped. He shrugged and leaned against the counter. "Just curious to meet you and see you for myself..." he said. "Leave me alone!" I snapped. He laughed and tried to touch me but I slapped his hand away. "Touch me and you'll regret it!" I hissed. He gave me a challenging look.

He tried again and this time I slammed him against the fridge. "I said don't touch me!" I shouted. He mocked me and switched roles. This pissed me off so badly that my nails changed into claws and my teeth into some sharp fangs. "The beast is really coming out now, huh?" He mocked.

I was on the blink of losing my temper right low. It was exactly what happened as he moments later opened his mouth and insulted me. "You're a feisty one, just a shame that such beautiful girl turns into a useless monster..."

I lunged for his throat, blood splashed out as we both collapsed on the floor. He let out a scream and I didn't let go. I dug my claws deep in his flesh, but he bled out real quick. Four ugly puncture wounds in his throat showed the damage I did while not even being transformed into a wolf.

I got up, blood dripping from my face and looked at the soldiers that were assembling and had heard the motion and scream this soldier uttered before he died. Some of them even aimed their guns at me. I pushed them away and ran off as fast as I could. Escaping through the back door and climbed over the fence into the night.

I am not staying here any longer...

K19 - Sideswipe fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora