🐺 Chapter 7. Shapeshifting

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For the time since two years, I changed back into a human. I held the wall as I stumbled. It's been a while since I stood on two legs instead of four and it's cold. Really cold. I sat down on the bed and stared myself.

During my shifting, I had ripped some stitches. My hand traced some blood, wiping it off in process. I got up and walked over to the bathroom, taking a shower and dressed up in the clothes I found in the closet.

It hurt. The wounds hurt but not as much as the mental pain. Staring at the ceiling above me as I laid on the guilt, the silence overwhelmed me or not for long though. "Morning sunshine..."

I turned my head and saw Sideswipe walking in. He halted and stared at me, as if he was surprised. "What?" I snapped. "Nothing... it's just... you look so young..." he said. "Our age stops at eighteen... we don't age!" I sulked before turning my back towards him.

"Leave me alone and go bother someone else!"

"Can we talk?" He asked. I ignored him, but felt the mattress dip. "You can't hide here forever, right?" I huffed and pulled my knees higher to my chest. "Just leave me alone... you're not my friend."

I heard him sigh behind me. "I know... you don't trust me..." he murmured softly. "Damn true!" I growled angrily. "I know you're angry, but... isn't there a change you can at least try to... go on with your life?"

I jumped on my feet and pushed him off the bed. "You don't anything about me! About my past or my partner! I am living for 275 in this stupid world and everyone is greedy and rude. They want power and it's your fault James is dead! He was my friend... my family and he gave me hope after my brothers died. You don't understand me... you don't understand the whole situation!" I shouted.

He got up and stood next the door. "Leave me alone! Just go!" I screamed and pointed at the door. He left without saying anything else. I sank against the wall, crying. It's the first time since a long time I am crying. I am not supposed to cry, it's a sign of weakness. Softly sobbing, I brought my knees closer to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.

((Sideswipe's P.O.V))

"She hates me..."

Lennox perked his head up by hearing my voice. "She was shouting at me and I just think it's not going to work. She's hurt and feels betrayed by us..." I mumbled. "Why? We didn't do anything..." Jazz said with a frown. "She blames us... Cybertronians in general. Apparently James was gave her feeling she was part of a family and now... she has one left..."

"I called Nicole this morning to ask how she's doing. She's not happy with me either but appreciated the fact I called. She told me James worked for K19. A special and secret force. All the cases the FBI or CSI couldn't handle, the K19 would jump in and fix it. Skye is the only female and she lost her entire family and her oldest and best friend Lecan. Also killed by Barricade after he planted a bomb in Zane's home... she's damaged and guess who was in charge of K19?..."

Lennox huffed and shook his head while running his hands through his dark brown hair. "Theodore Galloway... or old friend..." he muttered annoyed. "He's still in charge and also means that he can take her away... or even decided to put her down. Apparently it happens more often to werewolves..."

"It's sad... they shouldn't treat them like this, but what are we going to do now? You know... I could ask Sunstreaker..." I trailed off, but Jazz and Lennox shook their heads. "I know you try to help, Sides but Sunstreaker uses more violence and force. We can't afford that right now. She needs to trust us and she's hurt..."

"Sunstreaker can handle it... and she won't attack him so easily."

Lennox still shook his head. "No, Sides. Thanks but no. Let's just give her some time..." Lennox stated firmly. I bit my lip and left. Catching up with Sunny. "Ey bro! Sup?"

His holoform fizzled in. "Ugh, stupid rookies. Dude why are you blocking me from the bond? Is it because I ate your pop tart this morning?" He asked with a raised brown. "No, you haven't heard about the she wolf?" He asked. "No... no one tells me anything... wait don't tell me you're involved in this, Sides?" He snapped the last part. "Lennox asked me to talk to her. She's what humans call a werewolf and... she's damaged and still injured. Her brothers got killed and she lost her partner Lennox's younger brother and got stabbed by Barricade. She nearly died, Suns..."

"Should I care, Sides?"
"No, I hadn't expect you to understand but... I had hopped you would try to help me out. Cant you try to talk to her? All she does to me is shouting, snarling and bitting. I don't think she'll bite you that easily..."

He sighed heavily. "Perhaps in secret? Lennox thinks we should give her some time..." I added at the story and mustered an innocent and cute smile on my face. "Forget about it, fragger!" He snapped and got up. "Apparently your pet is more worth than communicating with me!" He hissed.

He's jealous.
Doesn't really hate Skye. Or not yet, depends on how much and time and effort I will put in the wolf. "You're so jealous! You can't stand it if I hang out with a mech or femme..." I muttered before turning around. "Just forget about, Sides. Stupid femme shouldn't have come to the base in the first place..." he growled.

"She didn't want too... but she was forced and if she doesn't change Galloway will give orders to kill her. He's in charge of the K19 unit."

Sunstreaker uttered a grunt. "Idiot..." he scowled and rolled his eyes grumpily. "Just forget about the femme, Sides." Sunstreaker turned away from me, but I laid my hand on his shoulder. "Come on, bro! She doesn't know anyone, she's grieving and she's upset..."

He simply shrugged his shoulders. "That's not my damn problem!"

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