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Bonnie became lifeless in my hold until I eventually let go and she dropped to the floor. I looked down at the woman and I furrowed my brows. "Bonnie?" I said quietly... shit. What have I done?

Instantly, I dropped down to my knees and lifted her head in my hands. I bit into my wrist and and moved it to Bonnies lips, "Drink Bonnie!" I yelled. "Please Bonnie, just... just drink... god I'm sorry!"

Bonnies mouth began to move very slowly, her heart beat started to increase its strength, and her eyes began to open as the wound on her neck began to heal. The wound that I caused.

"That's it Bon, keep going" I say softly, she gained enough strength to move her arms and they held my wrist for a moment longer, until she eventually pushed it away. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered

Without a word, Bonnie sat up and wrapped her arms around me.

"Aren't you mad?" I asked as she held me tightly.

Bonnie moved back slightly with her hands on my shoulders, "Furious" She narrowed her stare, "But you did it... you turned it back on"

"How could you trust me? Why?" I was so confused, "Bonnie! I could have killed you! You trusted me with your life!"

"And I would do it again" She smiled

I shook my head and couldn't believe that it was this woman... this person who made me come back. Bonnie Bennett. "Come here" I said, and it was my turn to pull her into my embrace, "Thank you"

"You're welcome" She mumbled into my shoulder. "Now... please go shower" We laughed.

Suddenly it all started rushing in. I killed... I killed so many people. Rebekah. She's ... she's dead.... I ... no... " no no!"

"Leo? What's wrong?" Bonnie asked as she saw the emotion waving through me.

"I... I killed" I hesitated, "And... Rebekah, she's..."

"Leo! Listen to me... you're okay! You're forgiven, Rebekah is still here okay..." She soothed, "In here" Her hand rested over my chest, just where my heart is.

"I need to apologise... to Elena, to Dam..."

"Leo, you can" Her hand found mine as she stared into my eyes, "come on..."
Leo and Bonnie entered the large Salvatore living room, Elena's eyes shot towards the two and a frightened look spread across her face. Stefan looked over and widened his eyes, "what's everyone looking at?" Damon folded his arms and turned around, "Leo..."

"I'm... I'm so sorry" Leo had guilt all over his face, "Elena... I..." He tried to find the best way to apologise, but he had never been good at this sort of thing, as he struggled to find the best words to say, Bonnie took his hand and gave it a slight squeeze.

"He's really sorry, and... he's back"

My brothers eyes stayed on to mine, "Damon..." Leo said but I didn't give him chance to finish, I took a few large steps across the room and pulled my baby brother in for a hug.

"How? How did you..." I started as I moved back.

"Ask Bonnie... although she's still mad at me" Leo cringed

"I'll tell you guys later" Bonnie waved off.
"Klaus... they've managed to get Leo's emotions back" Caroline informed the hybrid.

"I don't think I'll be welcome over at the Salvatore home" Klaus gave a slight smile, "but... that's good"

"Can I ask you a question?" The blonde asked as she sat down beside him.

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