Im here to stay

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"Caroline" Stefan jogged up to the blonde... "are you okay? Where's klaus?"

"I'm fine Stefan..." Caroline moved the Salvatores hands off of her

"Caroline what's wrong?" Stefan tried to look into his girlfriends eyes

"I'll tell you what's wrong brother" Leo smirked as he strolled over "Blondie has been sneaking around with Klaus"

Stefan looked shocked ...

"Don't believe him Stefan!" Caroline begged

Damon made his way next to his youngest brother "I'm afraid Leo's telling the truth" He huffed

Stefan looked at Caroline with pain in his eyes before walking away ...

"Awkward" Leo cringed

"I don't know who you think you are" Caroline hissed angrily as she poked Leo on his shoulder "but stay out of my business"

Leo looked down at her finger "or what?" He chuckled

Caroline growled before turning on her feel ...

Leo turned to Damon "let me guess..." He smirked "the crazy Barbie girl is a vampire"

"Not wrong" Damon shrugged

"Not wrong" Damon shrugged

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"Stefan... please let me in" Caroline knocked on the door hesitantly

Stefan didn't answer...

"I can explain..." She said

The door opened with an angry Stefan on the other side "explain what Caroline!? You've been going behind my back! Every time we thought Klaus had you, it was you going to him!"

"I didn't want you to find out like this..." She replied with tears in her eyes

"Well it looks like I wasn't meant to find out at all!"
"So brother" Leo smirked "Elena"

"What about her?" Damon raised a brow

"How did that happen?"

"Years of change... heartache...guilt..." Damon began

"Guilt?" Leo repeated

"I did kill her brother a couple times..." Damon shrugged

"You must have her wrapped around your finger , to kill her brother and she still wants you" Leo started

"Actually" Damon sighed "it's the other way around, I'd die for her"

"Now now brother" Leo walked in front of Damon and stopped him "we know how that planned out last time... 'miss katherine'" He said with a sarcastic tone

"Elena is nothing like Katherine"

"Let me ask you..." Leo stopped walking again "did she have both... you and Stefan fighting for her love?"

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