So (not) cool

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"Who is Kol?" Stefan asked his younger brother

"Kol Mikaelson" Leo slurped down the last of his bourbon

"You hung around with an original?" Stefan was surprised ...

Leo shrugged "jealous big bro?"

Stefan rolled his eyes with a slight chuckle

"Woah" Leo jumped back

"What?" Stefan looked confused

"You actually smile!" Leo joked

"Shut up Leo" He rolled his eyes

"Were you and Leo close?" Elena asked Damon

"Of course, Leo always was the mischievous one, you see why we got along?" Damon flashed a slight smirk

"Leo! Your a cheat!" Stefan huffed as Leo ran away cheekily with their football

"Only because your losing brother" Leo chuckled before catching his breathe

"Where's Damon gone off to?" Stefan looked around

Leo was suddenly dragged to the ground and the ball was snatched from his hands ...

"I win" Damon smirked before helping his brother up

Stefan rolled his eyes before watching Leo chase Damon around the green fields

"Boys boys boys" A female voice spoke

"Miss Katherine" Stefan smiled

"Katherine" Damon looked over at his brother (Stefan) speaking to the lady he fell for...
Leo soon took the ball out of Damons hands before looking at his older brother ... "everything okay Damon?" Leo asked with concern

"I'm fine brother" Damon smiled weakly

"Is it Miss Katherine? Has she broke up with you?"

Damon slightly let out a small chuckle "she's not my lady" He looked down at his younger brother "yet" He smirked cheekily seeing his little brother laugh "come on lets go see what they're up to"
"You Salvatore brothers really do love football don't you?" Elena let out a soft laugh

"Leo was actually very good at it, you would never catch him not playing a sport" Damon smiled

"Was Stefan and Leo close too?"

"Yes, we were all close, however... With Leo and Stefan being such a close age... there was always a rivalry between the two" Damon explained

"A rivalry?"

"A who's better at football kind of thing" Damon chuckled "even though I was better at it then both of them"


"Stefan" A voice from across the bar called out

The older Salvatore looked behind him to see Lorenzo St John...

"Who's that?" Leo whispered

"Enzo" Stefan told his brother

"We have a problem..." Enzo informed Stefan , before looking at Leo "I'm Enzo"

"Leo" The younger Salvatore shook Enzo's hand

"What's the problem Enzo?" Stefan asked

"Klaus... he's took Caroline..." Enzo told them

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