We can overcome this (part 2)

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"Lucy? I haven't seen you..." Bonnie started as her cousin stood on the doorstep of the witches home.

"I know... I know... it's been years" Lucy cut her words off, "I really... I... I have news, but... you're going to want to let me inside to tell you this"

After letting Lucy inside her home, Bonnie was confused, "after all this time... you randomly show up? What's happened? What's going on?"

"I know about your boyfriend... the vampire." Lucy started.

"Leo?" Bonnies eyes widened. "He's alive? He's okay?"

"Yes... he's alive, but Bonnie... I'm so sorry..." Lucy began...

"What Lucy? What happened? What did you do? What did Katherine do?" Bonnie was desperate for answers.

"I didn't know what Leo meant to you, what you meant to him... I thought he was just a vampire that needed a fresh start, an evil vampire who wanted to change... that's what I was told..." She paused as she took Bonnies hand into her own, "Bonnie, I had to erase you and his brothers from his memories, I had to erase all the good that he had so Katherine could have him... I'm... I'm so sorry... I didn't know he was a good person, I started the spell off way too strong, and ... god! Bonnie... I feel terrible"

"You... you erased his brothers from his memories? You erased me!?" Bonnie felt as though an arrow went through her heart.

"But I loopholed it, Bonnie" Lucy quickly intercepted, "He needs to see you or his brothers again for his memories to come back. But right now... Katherine has him... and it seems as though she won't let him go without a good fight."

"He's alive" Bonnie spoke out loud, mainly to herself. "I'm just glad he's alive right now, okay... so all I need to do is find him. I can do that"

"I have to get back to my own family... I have a daughter now..." Lucy told Bonnie, "Just be safe... don't underestimate her..."

"Thank you, Lucy"

"Good luck, little cousin"
"Hey, you" Elena said in a voice that was desperately trying to make me smile. "Are you hungry? Do you want to maybe..."

"Elena..." I sighed, "I know you're trying to be a good wife, and you're amazing... but I just... I want to be alone."

"Tough Damon." Bonnie suddenly walked into the room. "Because I need your ass to come and help me with something."

"Can't you see?" I looked at my best friend with an annoyed expression, "I'm mourning my dead brother. Goodbye." I said before grabbing my pillow and throwing it over my face.

"Don't be so dramatic, Damon... don't you want to save Leo with me?"

"What?" Me and Elena both said in unison as we sprung up.

"Katherine wanted us to think Leo was dead so that we would stop looking for him..." Bonnie paused, "just... trust me, he's alive... and right now, he has no memories of us, any of us... so we need to find him so he can get his memories back"

"How do you know all this?" I raised my brow.

"Because Lucy, my cousin, she was the witch that Katherine made do the spell to Leo, she didn't know who Leo was until she entered his memories, but she started the spell off too strong, that's why we need to find him to trigger the loophole" She explained, "So get your ass out of bed, throw down a couple bourbons and let's go save your brother and my boyfriend."

I... I can't believe it... he's alive.
"Wow Bon Bon" I smirked, "you're all hero-y and ... bossy"

"Shut up" Elena and Bon said before Bonnie threw a shirt at me and Elena hit me with a pillow.
"Hey..." I smiled cheerfully as I wrapped my arms around Katherines waist from behind, "I was hoping you'd stay in bed until I woke up too..."

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