Because he is my brother.

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The Salvatore home was quiet. The atmosphere was painful as the group sat in front of the fire place, Damon sat the closest to the flames as he threw back multiple glasses of bourbon.

Elena felt torn, she wanted to comfort her best friend, but she also knew how much her husband was hurting.

Caroline's arms were wrapped around a distraught Stefan who's head was in his hands. "It'll be okay..." She whispered.

"Bonnie... hey... where are you going?" Elena ran after her best friend who was heading for the front door.

"I'm going to find Katherine." Bonnie spoke harshly.

"Bonnie... it's the middle of the night." Caroline said. "Wait until the morning and then we will make Katherine pay."

"I'm sick of this." Kol stood up, "you're meant to be his family. You all... in this room were meant to be there for him..."

"And where were you!?" Damon jumped to his feet, "You've been talking about how you took Leo in... how you took him under your wing with the rest of your family. So come on Kol" The eldest Salvatore pushed the Mikaelson, "Tell me where you were? Oh... that's right... you were here, doing stupid locator spells that we already confirmed wasn't working!" With that Damon pushed Kol back, "So tell me Kol, where were you when I was searching endlessly for my brother? Where were you?"

Kol didn't speak... no one did. The room was silent again as Damon barged passed the original and walked up the stairs.
"I...I need to go check on him." Elena cringed before following her husband.

"What are we going to do?" Caroline sighed.

"We have to start the moving on process... we have to..." Kol began.

"No." Stefan spoke angrily, moving out of Caroline's hold, "You've called the shots enough, don't you think? You came here... lectured us over loyalty... when in reality... you don't know what loyalty is. Leo died for me... so that I could have a human life, he did that for me!..."

"It surprises me... since you're the one who ruined his life. All the days I had to be his brother because his biological one killed him and turned him into a monster , all the nights he found himself..."

"Exactly! I hurt him more than anyone, yet he was willing to give up everything for me! Why? ..." Stefan cut him off... "because he is my brother! And we put eachother before ourselves. Leo did that too many times... and now... now he's gone" The Salvatore brother walked away without another word.

I'm completely and utterly heartbroken. Losing Enzo... that left hurt, it left me with a huge void... but even the thought of Leo being dead... that leaves me with a hole that could never be filled.
How do I carry on my day knowing he's not here?
Leo brought something to me that I didn't know I needed, he brought me light, laughter... he brought me endless love... and I don't know what to do without that.

I understand Damon and Stefan are hurting... Leo's their brother... but Leo
was also my lifeline.

And I refuse to accept that he's gone forever, I refuse to accept that he's dead. Because if I do... I'm left in complete darkness.
"Leo stop it!" Bonnie laughed as I picked her up and spun her around in my arms. We had just left a party... the whole night we danced away, Damon and Elena stayed and I convinced Bonnie to leave with me, I took her on top of a cliff, where we and could see the beautiful sight of the city below. "If you trip then..."


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