iii. 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚜

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BUCKY'S LARGE hands held Evelyn firmly to his own body as he kissed her roughly on the outside wall of her apartment. They had spent the entire night dancing at the nearest bar, Bucky twirling her around the entire room—making other men jealous at the beauty in his arms. They all wondered how he managed to get Evelyn Stark to give him the time of day, especially when she was the most sought-after woman. She never gave anyone any interest until that man showed up. After dancing for hours, they retreated back to her apartment where Bucky had been living in the past year since the war truly started.

Evelyn felt him bite her full lip with gentleness and roughness all in one. He was genuinely perfect at everything he did. Unwrapping her arms from his neck, she tried to pull back but he continued to chase after her lips for kisses.

"James," she whispered, "inside, please. I don't need to give my neighbors another show."

Bucky laughed, letting his head fall on her shoulder before he placed one kiss and backed away to let her unlock the door. She smirked his way as she finally managed to get the key in the hole. Walking inside, she placed her clutch on the counter along with her keys just as she heard Bucky lock the door. Evelyn squealed as Bucky picked her up and placed her on the counter, almost knocking over the vase full of flowers.

Bucky laughed against her lips before finally placing his lips on hers again, teeth almost clashing. Evelyn snorted a laugh. "Slow down, we have all night," she whispered against his lips.

Bucky sighed softly, a frown taking his face. "You promise me you'll stay with your brother while I'm gone?"

"I'll be in Jersey working, but yes, at night, I'll be staying near Howard. He's worse than you with the whole protective thing," she said with a roll of her eyes. Bucky scoffed. "What?"

"Who would win in a fight? Howard or me?"

"Being on the receiving end of Howard's temper tantrums as a kid, I think you should be scared, Sergeant," she whispered, and Bucky laughed. "I'm serious. He'll kick your ass."

"Ooh, doll, wrong answer," Bucky teased, kissing her lips again. "What if we go take a shower? You can read to me that book you are totally into–what was it, The Hobbit?–and we can pretend it's not the last time we'll see each other in a while." He paused and hugged her to him. "We can hold each other close, savoring every moment."

Evelyn ran a hand through his hair at the nape of his neck. "Whatever you say, honey. I love you."

"I love you more," he said with a grin before letting her body go. "I'll start the shower."

The next morning, Steve was itching to tell Evelyn and Bucky about his conversation with Erskine, but he could see the red eyes on Evelyn and the tear tracks on Bucky's face. He knew he had no right to make it worse, so he held Bucky close, wishing him well. Bucky begged Steve to look after Evelyn until she would go off with her brother. Steve did not hesitate to agree. Evelyn and Bucky took a long time to say goodbye.

Bucky fingered the necklace around her neck, before taking it off of her. Her confused expression shifted into one of fear as Bucky slid the wedding ring off of his finger. The ring was one she had picked out when they were supposed to be married earlier. He then placed it onto the chain. The war had messed up the wedding date, pushing it off, but he wore the ring anyway due to him being impatient to call Evelyn his.

"Take care of it, okay?" Bucky whispered to her. "I love you, so so much."

Evelyn hugged him tightly, wishing there was another way.

Steve let Evelyn latch onto his arm as Bucky disappeared from view, her sobs beginning since she had tried her best to hide it in front of the man. Steve rubbed her back as her tears landed on his neck. He sighed, beginning to lead her back to her apartment. Evelyn was grateful for Steve that night.

He stayed with her, even cooked them a meal as they sat in mostly silence beside a radio program on talking about the war. Steve was going to turn it off, but she asked him not to. Deciding this was a better time than never, he began to work his way up to tell Evelyn about Erskine's words. He knew it would hurt her, but he rather tell her instead of her finding out another way.

When he began to tell her, she smiled and grabbed his hand, stating she already knew about it. He quirked a confused brow. "What?"

"Dr. Erskine is working with Howard and me on two projects," Evelyn admitted. "The project he wants you for is called Project Rebirth, and I begged him not to." Steve deflated at her words. She tightened her hand on his. "Not because I don't think you're capable, Steve. It's only ever been done once, and it was a catastrophe. He knows it'll work this time, but I'm still terrified because you're my best friend."

Steve nodded before he echoed her words, "Two projects? What's the other project?"

"Something I created," Evelyn revealed. "Something like a sister serum to Erskine's."

"And who is going to be the test subject for that one?" Steve asked, watching her let his hand go and stand. She grabbed pillows from the couch, throwing them onto the floor where the blankets were laid out for their sleepover—something they always did but it would be different without Bucky. "Evelyn?"

Evelyn smiled at him before shrugging. "I only trust myself."

Steve stood as well. "Does Bucky know?" Silence again. "You didn't tell him!?"

"How could I? Howard doesn't even know," Evelyn said quickly. "And no one will know until the day of. I'm trusting you, Steve."

"How do you think he's going to feel knowing you're becoming a bigger threat in this war? The target on your back is already large—"

There was a loud bang on the door. Steve looked over at the door in fright. Evelyn bit her lip, reaching under her couch, and pulled out a small handgun. Steve's eyes widened as she neared the danger instead of hiding away. How much did he miss about Evelyn? Had she always been this secretive?

Evelyn put the gun in her skirt as she peaked through the window. Opening the door, she scowled slightly at the man standing there before morphing her expression into one that was pleasant.

"May I help you?" she asked firmly, one hand resting on her gun while her lips pulled into a soft smile. "It's rather late, isn't it?"

"Are you Ms. Evelyn Stark?" the man asked, his German accent strong.

Her grip tightened on the gun.

"I am," she said. "To whom do I owe the pleasure of speaking?"

"My name is Dr. Ferov. I work with Dr. Erskine. He asked me to deliver this to you," Ferov said, handing her a note. She grabbed the letter and smiled again. "Have a good night, Fräulein."

She shut her door, murmuring, "Yeah, right." She opened the letter with a scowl as she read the threat in between the words.

"What does it say?" Steve asked, moving from his spot on the floor to look at her.

"I need to go to Jersey tomorrow. When do you set out?" she asked him, hiding the gun again.

"Two days," Steve murmured.

"Just be careful," Evelyn said before yawning. "I'm going to sleep, Steve."

When she did fall asleep, Steve found the letter. His fist clenched in anger as he read the degrading words written about Evelyn Stark.

He swore he would protect her when Bucky asked. He had to make sure he went through with the promise.

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