xli. 𝚏𝚕𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚢

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EVELYN RAN through the city at the fast speed that came with being a supersoldier. She could see Tony above her flying as she shouted for people to leave the city quickly. She pressed her headset to lead the way to the church after Friday made it it clear that was where Ultron would be.

Tony flew inside first as he landed in front of him. Evelyn stopped short a bit behind as she saw Vision flying from another direction. He nodded once at her ad Ultron began with, "Come to confess your sins?"

"I don't know, how much time you got?" Tony quipped back.

"More than you. The other Stark," Ultron said in greeting to Evelyn. "I've been waiting for you to turn up. Too busy with the husband?"

Evelyn flipped her knife in her hand. "Well, I'm here to kick your ass now."

"Such hostility," he sneered. "We haven't even begun to get to know each other."

Tony and Evelyn shared a glance as she said, "What's there to know? You want to kill my friends and family."

"For the greater good. Surely, with your enhanced brain you can see that."

"I guess I must be missing it," Evelyn said with a shrug.

Tony smirked under his mask as he said, "Uhhh. Have you been juicing? A little Vibranium cocktail? You're looking, I don't wanna say, puffy..."

"You're stalling to protect the people," Ultron noticed.

"Well, that is the mission. Did you forget?" Tony asked.

"I've moved beyond your mission. I'm free," he said just as the floor beneath Evelyn's feet began to erupt and shake. She quickly backed away just as a Vibranium core lifted into view. "What, you think you're the only one stalling?"

"There's the rest of the Vibranium. Function: still unclear," Friday said to the Starks.

"This is how you end, Tony. This is peace in my time."

Evelyn began to hear screams of terror. She turned to see robots appearing out of nowhere to attack the citizens. She turned back to face Ultron as Vision flew into the church.

"Ultron," Vision greeted.

Tony and Evelyn met each other's eyes as Vision grew closer to Ultron. "My Vision. They really did take everything from me," Ultron said with obvious distaste.

"You set the terms, you can change them," Vision said, trying to make Ultron see reason.

"All right," Ultron agreed as the pair flew at each other. Vision grabbed Ultron's head as the pair grunted in pain.

"Friday," Evelyn asked as she watched Tony fall in front of her in case the fight moved her way. "The Vision?"

"Ms. Stark, it's working. He's burning Ultron out of the net, he won't escape through there."

Ultron threw Vision aside as he sneered, "You shut me out! You think I care? You take away my world, I take away yours."

Evelyn watched with wide eyes as he activated the Vibranium core. Around them, the Earth began to shake and crack. Sokovia started to detatch itself from the planet as Ultron smirked victoriously.

"Friday?" Tony asked worriedly.

"Sokovia's going for a ride," she replied grimly.

"Do you see?" Ultron said as Evelyn tried to pinpoint a way to have Sokovia land back safely. Her thoughts were being portrayed from her helmet as she swiped to figure something out. Realizing there was no way to stop it without casualties, she shook her head at Tony. "The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."

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