vi. 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚞𝚜

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EVELYN SHOOK hands with many men from the State, discussing both serums for Erskine and herself. Howard was behind her, making sure Project Rebirth's machine was ready. He knew Evelyn was stressed about Steve being hurt, so he figured he better make sure everything was 110% perfect. As his sister spoke, it was starting to occur to him that no one ever informed him who would be on the receiving end of Project Venus.

"Hey, Lynnie," Howard called, interrupting her as she went through her mental checklist. She gave him a look, which he replied with a roll of his eyes. "Don't give me that look, I don't know if it means you're calling me stupid or you hate me."

"Aren't they equally as bad?" Evelyn said with a grin as the door opened. Steve and Peggy walked inside, the man looking very very nervous. Nothing could compare to what Evelyn was feeling. "What is it?"

"Which soldier is on the receiving end of your serum?" he asked, flicking the briefcase that held the shots she would have to take. "You never told me."

Evelyn smiled tightly before shrugging. "Don't be so nosey."

"I think I have the right to be nosey," Howard called as she turned to walk off to Erskine, Steve, and Peggy.

Erskine shook Steve's hand. "Good morning." Evelyn pulled Steve in for a hug just as a photo was taken. Erskine scowled and waved the man away. "Please, not now."

"Are you ready?" Evelyn asked softly as she backed away.

"Good. Take off your shirt, your tie and your hat," Erskine said to Steve, which the man flushed before hesitantly doing so. Erskine looked at Evelyn with a smirk on his lips. "You're wearing an undershirt, yes?" She nodded. "Good. Get prepared."

Evelyn began to unbutton her dark shirt, wearing a black singlet underneath. She averted her gaze from Howard as he began to piece things together in his head. She quickly tapped a few buttons to open the pod for Steve just as Howard cleared his throat.

She turned to see his arms crossed with a quirk of a brow. "No."

Evelyn let a smirk move onto her face as she copied his action of crossing her arms. "No, what? You have to be more specific, Howie."

Howard glared. "No, absolutely not. I won't let you do it. Nope. Not happening. Discussion over with."

Evelyn smiled slightly. "You already agreed in 1937."

Howard's eyes widened. "What are you talking about?"

"The dinner meeting with Colonel Phillips and Dr. Morav." Howard's eyes softened at the mention of the dead doctor, having worked closely with him before. "You decided to do a shot contest with me while the meeting was happening, unbeknownst to the doctor and Colonel—I totally won, by the way. You agreed when I told Morav I refused to fund my project without the human trial happening to me."

Howard clicked his tongue and pointed at her. "I believe the meeting. I now believe agreeing. I don't, however, believe you beat me in a shot contest."

Evelyn bit back her smile as Howard began to mumble under his breath as he turned back to the machine while Steve was prepped by Erskine.

Evelyn sat on a cool metal table next to Steve as a machine with twelve injections whirred up behind her. On her left, the serum for Erskine's enhancement properties was waiting to be stuck in her hand like an IV—though dialed down enough since Project Venus was both of their qualities and characteristics all in one. Steve would be getting the full Erskine serum.

Project Venus was named as an acronym: Vision of Enhanced Neural and Umpteenth Strength. Basically, it was Erskine's serum dialed down immensely before Erskine was found in Queens, New York. Since they had heard Hitler had his SSR leaders in the organization (Hydra) go to Erskine for the serum, Evelyn was asked to get make hers in the case Erskine stayed in Germany. Her serum, however, was focused on brains rather than braun. It would keep make Evelyn's brain absorb information faster, and she would be able to find strategies for battles... with Erskine's addition of his serum, she would be stronger and be able to heal faster. She knew it was a lot for her body to handle, which is why she had rathered be the human trial.

Venus | James B. Barnes✔️Where stories live. Discover now