xxxii. 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎

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EVELYN EASILY ducked behind some crates as people began to shoot at her. She sighed, grabbing her large gun from off her back and aiming their way. She could see Steve and Sam making their way to the Helicarriers, so she took off running as well. She knew she had to get on one of the Helicarriers before it was off the ground.

"They're initiating launch!" Maria called in their communication devices.

Evelyn managed to jump onto one Helicarrier before it could take off the ground. Turning, she began shooting at anyone shooting at her.

"Hey, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asked them.

Evelyn smirked. "If they're shooting at you, they're bad," she replied, holding onto the metal wall as the entire Helicarrier began to shake from lifting into the air.

"Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys she was talking about," Sam called. Evelyn stuck her head out to see Sam flying in his suit with fliers on his tail. Evelyn aimed at the jets, shutting one eye to make sure she aimed correctly. She grinned as one exploded into another.

"You okay?" Steve asked.

"I'm not dead yet. Hey, Stark! Do that again!" Sam called with a laugh. Evelyn managed to shoot one more jet down.

"How's that?" she called cheekily.

"Much better."

Evelyn climbed up the Helicarrier's interior, jumping over a railing to get to the control center. "Venus, status?"

"Aha, the name is in play. Not going to lie," Evelyn began as she saw a few jets fly her way. "I think I'm about to be locked in, but hold that thought."

Evelyn twisted midair, dodging bullets from a jet that spotted her. Evelyn shot back, breaking the glass windshield of it. Hiding behind a metal wall, she looked over while Maria was asking Sam for his status. She leaned out, poking her tongue out just barely to shoot the man flying the plane. She cheered silently as the man was killed.

Just as he disappeared, another two jets took its place. Evelyn groaned.

"Eight minutes, Cap."

"Working on it," Steve responded, a bit out of breath. After a few moments, Steve breathed, "Alpha locked."

"Falcon, where are you now?"

"I had to take a detour!" After a moment, Sam called, "I'm in. Bravo locked."

"Two down, one to go. Venus!?" Maria called.

"Need a wee bit of air support, Sam!" Evelyn shouted back before yelping as a bullet grazed her thigh. "Mother fu—"

"We're coming!" Steve called.

"Six minutes," Maria said to the group.

Evelyn managed to get by the console where she was supposed to plant the chip as she saw Sam and Steve end up on the main aisle of the Helicarrier. Sam had taken out the enemies in the air. "You know, you're a lot heavier than you look," Sam quipped.

Steve shrugged. "I had a big breakfast."

Suddenly, Bucky appeared and knocked Steve off the edge. Evelyn lost focus, turning to yell, "Steve!"

Sam began to fly off to help, but Bucky grabbed one of the Falcon's wings. Sam was shooting at Bucky, but Bucky simply broke off one of Sam's wings as if it was nothing. Bucky then kicked Sam from the Helicarrier.

Evelyn knew she should just put the chip in and end it, but watching Steve hang like Bucky had not so long ago had her hands shaking as she jumped over the edge to land behind Bucky. "Cap? Cap, come in. Are you okay?" Sam asked.

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