xxxiii. 𝚊 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍

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BUCKY BARNES walked out of her bathroom in her home in Brooklyn. They had gotten there only an hour before, but she was already making arrangements to get out of the state... possibly out of the country. There were a few things she needed to do before they left, but right now, she had to focus on him.

He wore a towel around him waist as he averted his eyes from her. She was sitting on the bed, packing two bags. She noticed his awkward gaze and pointed at the second bag. "Those are some of your things," she whispered softly.

Bucky nodded, reaching into the bag to find everything he needed. Walking back into the bathroom, Evelyn stood to brush her wet hair from the wash she had given it. When Bucky walked back out, he stared at her through the mirror connected to her dresser, just watching her as she did a mundane thing. It was almost relaxing. She smiled a bit mischievously, walking toward him with the brush.

"Can I?"

Bucky shrugged, sitting on the edge of the bed as she ran the brush through his hair. Bucky would not admit how much he enjoyed it. Evelyn let her fingers run through it once before she leaned forward and kissed his head, knowing she would not get much affection from him.

"I have something for you," Evelyn said after putting necessary items into her bags. She zipped them up as Bucky watched. Turning, she pulled the dog tags from under her shirt. "They were yours. I-I have our wedding rings as well, but I figured I'd keep ahold of them for now."

Bucky nodded, realizing how absolutely perfect the woman in front of him was. She handed him his dog tags, and he read over them before letting a small smile move onto his face. "Thank you."

She nodded again, moving to the three photos on her dresser. "We'll be back one day, Howie," she whispered to Howard's photo, not noticing Bucky's wince behind her. Turning, she said, "I have to make two stops before we get started."

Bucky agreed, knowing he would not deny her that. Placing sunglasses on her face, she grabbed a hat for him. Placing it on his head, she nodded, "That'll hide you for now. Let's go."

He grabbed both bags as she made sure to lock the apartment up. Hurrying to her car, she had Bucky get in the passenger seat as she got in the driver seat.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Barnes," Jarvis spoke causing Bucky to jump and look around the car. Evelyn blushed at the name he called her, as she had asked him to do so a long time ago. "I was to inform you that Mr. Stark is awaiting a phone call from you."

Evelyn smiled tightly at Bucky. "Jarvis is Tony's AI–artificial intelligence. Sorry," she said to which he nodded. "I'll call Tony in a bit. Thanks, J. If you don't mind, have one of Tony's smaller jets prepared."

"Yes, Mrs. Barnes."

Bucky let the smirk land on his face, and Evelyn almost... almost thought no time had passed with his comment of, "Mrs. Barnes?" with a teasing glint to his eyes.

"A girl can only hope," Evelyn teased back as she took off, driving the horrid speeds that only Starks seemed to drive. Making sure the hood of the convertible was latched into place, she let the car ride stay silent as she drove to the hospital.

"Where are we going?" Bucky finally asked.

"Hospital. I can't leave Steve and Sam without any proper explanation."

"You're going to tell them about me?" Bucky asked worriedly.

"Partly. Just that I have a lead and that I'm going after you," Evelyn said with a frown. "I hate to lie, but—"

"But I don't want him to know. Not yet," revealed Bucky. "I-I already am afraid to hurt you. I don't want to disappoint Steve anymore."

"You could never disappoint either of us, Buck," she said softly as she pulled into the hospital. "Stay in the car. Lock the doors. Head down." Bucky nodded. She reached over and hesitated to squeeze his hand once. "I'll be right back."

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