xxi. 𝚐𝚞𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐

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STEVE AND Evelyn decided they needed to go back to D.C. a week later. It was a wonderful week, of course. The two supersoldiers spent their time in Brooklyn. Steve had a small notebook that he wrote things down in—things people would tell him he needed to watch or listen to. The pair had gotten through all of the Star Wars movies out at that time.

Every morning, Evelyn and Steve would go running, both trying to get ahead of the other. It was quite humorous because now, the world was speculating that Evelyn Stark, the war hero who died in 1945, was alive again just like Captain Steve Rogers. She and Steve grinned as they read articles written about her, some saying horrible conspiracy theories that involved all of the Howling Commandos and Howard Stark.

During this week, Evelyn had also seen the news when Tony and Rhodey had saved the President and Pepper from an evil scientist named Aldrich Killian with his science division called AIM that worked with a creation called Extremis. She had learned from Tony that Killian had injected Pepper with the Extremis, so he was working tirelessly on a cure.

There was no doubt that after Steve and Evelyn went to speak to Fury, reluctantly, of course, Evelyn was going to head to Manhattan where Tony was going to be. He and Pepper had decided to move to New York permanently as of right now—in the Avengers Tower.

When Steve and Evelyn made it to the Triskelion, Evelyn fixed her leather jacket as she stepped out of her car. Steve parked his motorcycle next to her as he extended his arm for her to take. She kept her sunglasses on her face as the pair walked straight through the doors without so much as glancing at the security guards. Now that people were realizing Evelyn Stark was really alive, people stared openly at them.

Before they could get to the elevator, a man stopped in front of Evelyn and Steve. She recognized him from their only meeting a few months ago. Lowering her sunglasses only slightly, she took her arm from Steve's. "Mr. Pierce," she greeted, wondering why he was standing in their way.

"Ms. Stark," Pierce greeted, an odd glint in his eye. "I'm glad to see you've come back. Director Fury and I have been worried that you both would not return."

Evelyn could almost hear the echo behind his words. He sounded as if he hoped they would not return. "Well, this is my organization," she gloated, knowing he hated when Fury had said it before. "Captain Rogers and I simply needed time to catch up."

Pierce's eye twitched. "Well, I look forward to working with you."

Evelyn smirked, moving her glasses back to their place. "Likewise," she said with a shrug before glancing at Steve. "Shall we?"

Evelyn pushed past Pierce, not realizing she had just solidified her name on The Winter Soldier's hit list.

Once Steve and Evelyn were in the elevator, Steve let out a light chuckle. "You should meet Agent Romanoff."

"Why?" Evelyn asked, pulling out a familiar compact mirror that had Steve smile in recognition. She touched up her lipstick as she rose a brow his way. "Steve?"

"She'd like you. She's the red-head you saw that day. She seems like a hardass, but she is pretty nice," Steve said as Evelyn clicked her tongue at his language. He rolled his eyes. "I know, I'm sorry."

Evelyn let her grin fall as the elevator opened to Fury's floor. Walking ahead of Steve, she slowed her pace once she reached the door—knocking hesitantly on it. When she heard Fury's voice, she opened it and walked inside. Fury looked up in surprise.

"Well, look who decided to show up," Fury quipped. "I thought your phone broke by how many calls you missed."

"Ignored," Evelyn corrected with a smirked. "I had prior engagements that were more worth my time," she said as she took a seat with Steve following. "How've you been?"

Fury gave her a deadpanned look. "Do you actually care or was that sarcasm?"

Evelyn pulled off her glasses. "I'm not a complete jerk. I was miffed you kept my best friend's status of life away from me, but other than that, you haven't done anything wrong. I wanna ask you something, Director."

Steve furrowed his brows at her tone at the end.

"Who is Alexander Pierce actually? You can't expect me to believe he's not a bad guy here?"

"Secretary Pierce is an old friend of mine," Fury said, narrowing his eyes. "Why do you think he's a bad guy?"

"Her gut feelings are normally correct," Steve remembered. "It's to do with the serum in her body. We should keep an eye out on him," he decided.

Fury scoffed. "Listen, I'll keep my good eye on him. We have more important matters to discuss." Evelyn rose a brow. "Rogers, are you coming back to work? I have a few missions I'd like you to take a look at."

Steve glanced at Evelyn before nodding at Fury. "Yes, sir. I'll be back in D.C."

"Good. Romanoff and Barton are on a mission as we speak, so you'll go with Rumlow tomorrow," Fury said before his gaze went back to Evelyn. "I had an office made up for you. I even went through the grueling task of making you Junior Director—the World Security Council refused to have you named Co-Director with me as I asked because no one trusts you yet. Junior Director is just a title. You have all the clearance I do. Alpha level, of course."

Evelyn smiled. "Sounds good."

"I do have a request," Fury added. "Go to New York and help Tony remove the Extremis from Ms. Potts. I want Extremis wiped off this Earth. It's dangerous, and I know for a fact Ms. Potts wants it gone as soon as possible."

"Will do," she said as she stood. "Anything else?"

"Not today, Ms. Stark," Fury replied with a smirk as Steve stood as well. "See you tomorrow, Rogers."

After a quick 'see you later' between Evelyn and Steve, Evelyn began her journey to the Avengers Tower. She had found a new peace when driving, for she felt like there was nothing she could not do when the wind was blowing through her hair and the radio was loudly playing. It was a freedom she enjoyed too much. When she got close enough, she stopped at a fast food joint, picking up cheeseburgers for her nephew and his girlfriend.

She smirked when she parked in the parking garage next door, seeing Rhodey stepping out of a car. "Rhodes," she called with a smile as she, too, stepped out of her car. Rhodey turned, a wide smile on his face as he quickly made his way over to her and hugged her. "Hey, how are you?" she asked referring to the Mandarin shit he and Tony went through.

"Never better," Rhodey promised as he walked with her inside. "Here to see Tony and Pepper?" he asked.

"Yeah. Hopefully, I can offer some insight into Pepper's problem," Evelyn said as they smiled at the receptionist. As the elevator opened on the floor of the penthouse, Evelyn and Rhodey stepped inside to see Tony and Pepper arguing over something. Evelyn mentally awed at the orange glow that was sent as a wave down her body. "Oh, cool it before she explodes!"

Tony turned with a wide smile to see Evelyn standing there. That was when Evelyn noticed the other men in the room. Happy was there, looking a little rough with a bruised face. Another man she had not seen before stood awkwardly. "Evelyn," Tony said excitedly, walking over to her to embrace her when he saw the bag of food. "Cheeseburgers!" he exclaimed happier. Evelyn pouted as Tony grabbed the bag and walked away.

"Wow," Evelyn said as Pepper approached her. "Hey, Pep," she greeted as the woman hugged her. "I'm here to offer my assistance."

"Oh, thank God," the unnamed man said. "I am at a complete loss." He stood next, offering his hand. "Dr. Bruce Banner. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Evelyn Stark," she smiled and shook his hand. "You as well. I have enough food for everyone."

Rhodey cheered as Tony tossed him a wrapped burger before he tossed Bruce one as well. "This is why I enjoy having an aunt," he told Rhodey. "Free food." Evelyn glared as the group laughed at her.

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