Morse Code

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Third Person POV (Unedited) 

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Third Person POV (Unedited) 

Peter and Tony were sitting in the living room, in the penthouse, watching Chaos Walking where one of the actors looked strangely like Peter. Peter and Tony had been intern and boss for a little over 2 years now, along with mentor and mentee (for Spiderman of course) and had developed a father and son bond. 

Peter looked at Tony like a father and would even call him "Dad" when he wasn't around and Tony would call Peter "Son" or "my bambino" when he wasn't around yet the two of them haven't admitted their feelings, scared the other doesn't return them. 

Peter had learned Morse Code when he was 12, why you may ask? Well, he got really bored one summer and decided to learn something. That something? Morse code. He decided to learn Morse Code. 

So, the father-son duo was sitting on the couch, watching Chaos Walking when Tony noticed Peter tapping something on Tony's leg. 

Tony at first thought it was nothing but then realised that Peter had been doing for over a year now. Was he just fidgety? Or was it actually what Tony thought?

Tony knew Morse Code, something his Aunt Peggy taught him when he was kid and if he was right then Peter loved him, hopefully like a father. 

Dot dot 


dot line dot dot 

line line line 

dot dot dot line 



line dot line line 

line line line 

dot dot line


line dot dot

dot line

line dot dot


Tony had to find out though, he needed to know if his kid- mentee loved him like that. 

"FRIDAY? Pause the movie for a second." Tony requested 

"Of course, sir." FRIDAY replied, the movie pausing. 

"But Da-Mr.Stark! This is a good part!" Peter protested, knowing what was going to happen as he had read the book. He blushed because of his almost slip up but ignored his blush, protesting his fath-mentor. 

"Peter I need to ask you something."- seeing the look of panic and worry on his son- Peter's face, Tony added - "You're not in trouble, I promise. It's just a question." 

Peter relaxed a bit but millions of possible questions were flying through his head, did he do something wrong? Was Mr.Stark mad at him? Was he going to kick him out? 

"Calm down, I can see you stressing. You. Are. Not. In. Trouble. Okay?" Tony repeated 

"Okay" Peter replied, taking a deep breath. 

"Peter do you know Morse Code?" Tony asked, slightly hinting the phrase. 

A flash of panic was present in Peter's eye before he blinked and it vanished. There was no way Tony knew what he was tapping, right? 

"Uh yeah, er, why Mr.Stark?" Peter answered, a little nervous. 

"Peter, have you been telling me 'I love you Dad' for the past year?" Tony exclaimed, incredulously 

"Uh, yeah. I'm so sorry Mr.Stark. I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable and I'm really sorry. I can totally go if you want and never show my face to you again. You can have the suit back. I-" Peter started to ramble 

Tony just looked at his kid fondly and shut him up by hugging him, "Oh, this is nice." Peter mumbled. Peter froze for a second and said "You aren't grabbing the remote or something, right?" 

Tony chuckled and then said "No, I was so stupid for saying that. No, I'm hugging you because you're my son, maybe not biologically but definitely in every other way." 

Tony placed a kiss onto Peter head and then ruffled his curls, "You're my son, Pete. I love you." He said 

"Love you too, Dad." Peter replied 

If there were happy tears streaming down either of their faces or if either of them were smiling like idiots, no one mentioned it. 

And if FRIDAY took pictures and added it to a new folder named "Irondad and Spiderson" no one mentioned it. 


Hey guys! Sorry for the huge break in updates. School has been keeping me busy and I haven't had much time to write for this story. Speaking of stories, lol, I published two new ones. One of them is a HTTYD fanfic and the other is a Marvel one. Please check them out, it would be a lot to me. 

I'm currently working on the requests and I'll try and publish them in a week-ish. Thanks for sticking with this book!! 



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15.6 thousand reads!?!??!

442 votes?!!!?



I'm honestly so shocked, like thank you all so much. 


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