Panic Attack (Vulture)

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Peter's  POV

I was sitting in class and my teacher, Mr.Thorne decides to talk about the Vulture. It's just been about a month since the battle and when the building fell on me.

I got traumatized and his name and talking about it triggers it and sends me back to when the building fell on me. I hold off and try to keep my heart rate down so Dad doesn't get alerted.

Mr.Thorne continued saying "Adrian Toomes the "Vulture" was a viscous, cruel villain. Luckily SpiderMan saves us again!"

Yeah I did! A building fell on top of me while I saved you!

Mr.Thorne pulls up a slide show and the Vulture's suit and face show up. I feel my heart rate go up but not enough for Dad to get alerted. Then he shows a picture of the building on top of me and that spikes my heart rate. It leaves me shaking and I breath in ragged breaths.

"STOP!" I shout. I just couldn't take it anymore. My teacher looked at me confused while I shake, and whimper.

He tries to come close to me but I see Vulture instead, "DON'T HURT ME!! STAY AWAY!!" I yell,

"Hurt you? I wouldn't hurt you Peter." he says. I don't trust it and just bury my head in my knees.

Tony's POV

I was in a press conference with Pepper when my wrist goes off and FRIDAY's voice rings out, "PETER IS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK! HEART RATE  SPIKED! HE IS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!",

Pep and I run out of the room, ignoring all the complaints and protests and questions about who is Peter.

Our son is panicking and needs help, to hell with all of them. We summon our suits and race over to his school.

Back to Peter's POV

I am shaking so much I fall to my knees.

I keep on muttering "don't hurt me" and "stay away".

I don't notice Karen alert Dad.

I don't notice my whole class is watching me.

I don't hear Mom and Dad's suit outside of school.

I definitely don't hear Dad and Mom enter the room.

But I do feel their arms wrap around me in their warm, protecting hug. That's when my starts breathing even out and I start to calm down.

"What happened Petey Pie?" Mom and Dad asked in kind, caring, calming voice.

"H-h-he w-was t-t-th-there!!! He-he tr-tr-tried t-t-to hu-u-ur-t me!!!" I manage to get out between sobs.

"Who?!?" Mom asks, Dad nudges her to look at the screen which still shows the Vulture, and me underneath the building.

I take a deep breath in and a deep breath out as I hug tighter into my parents trying to calm down.

"Take that down, NOW!!!!!!" Mom and Dad yells in command, my teacher takes it down without hesitation but he still has confusion and shock on his face.

"It's okay Petey Pie! Don't worry! We're here now, we are always here for you" Dad and Mom keep murmuring to me.

5 minutes later I finally fully calm down. "I'm okay" I muttered to myself and I stand up.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Dad asks with a look full of concern.

I nod yes and say "Thanks. I love you Mom, I love Dad!", I'm aware my class heard what I said but I don't care. I love my parents and I'm not ashamed to say it. After I say that I go back to my desk.

My teacher asks what happened and Mom tells him some cover up story. We resume the rest of the day without any problems but everyone is super confused why I called Tony Stark and Pepper Potts-Stark, Dad and Mom but ignore them. I don't care, I love my parents and they love me.

Back Tony and Pepper's POV

We head back to our press conference and we see footage of what happened with a headline of "PEPPER POTTS-STARK AND TONY STARK HAVE A SON?!".

We ignore the questions of the press and resume the conference.

We know we're going have to talk to Peter about this later but right now we have to focus on this conference.

We'll deal with the whole "Pepper Potts-Stark and Tony Stark have a son" thing later.

That's end of Part one!! Part two coming soon!

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