Meet Clints Family

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Requested by @tessalucy, I'm not sure if this was what you wanted, if it's not I'm really sorry.

Info you need to know for this chapter:
Harley and Peter are twins
The twins are 14
They are biologically Peppers and Tony's
Their full names are Peter Benjamin Stark and Harley Anthony Stark
Lila is 8
Cooper is 13
Nathaniel doesn't exist yet
Peter is Spider-Man but only Ned, MJ, Harley, Pepper, Tony and the Avengers know
Somehow Harley and Peter can talk to each other and only each other with their minds, it's not like Wanda's powers it's just like a sibling thing.

Aaaaannnnddd onto the chapter

Third Person POV

Today Tony, Pepper and the twins were going meet Clint's family at the farm.

The twins knew this of course, but didn't know that their fun Uncle Clint has kids of his own.

And that his kids could be just as mischievous as the twins.

Were the adults in trouble or were the adults in trouble?!?

A Time skiip

When Pepper, the twins and Tony got there, Tony went with Clint to their tractor because it was acting up again, Laura and Pepper went to the kitchen and Harley and Peter went to the living room.

Peter attached himself to the ceiling and Harley sat down on the couch, they started talking about their latest prank: switching the coffee grounds with dirt at the penthouse.

They didn't hear Cooper and Lila enter the room.

"WHO ARE YOU?!?!?" Clint's kids screamed at them.

This startled the twins so Peter jumped and face planted on the ceiling while Harley jumped and fell off the couch.

The twins didn't know who these kids were either so they responded with "Who are you?"

"We're Clint Barton's kids. I'm Cooper and that's Lila, we answered your question, now answer ours. Who. Are. You?" Cooper said.

"Uncle Clint doesn't have kids..." Harley began, "Yeah, so who are you really!" Peter finished 

"We're his kids! Now who the heck are you!?"

Harley and Peter didn't know what to do so they used their "twin telepathy" as they liked to called it and talked to each other through their minds.

Mind Conversation

Peter: Should we tell them who we are? Should we believe them?

Harley: Idk, maybe Uncle Clint might have hid his family like a Dad hides us?

Peter: I think we should tell them Anthony (A/N so my siblings call me by my middle name sometimes so the twins call each other by their middles names too, please just roll with it)

Harley: Alright Benjamin. What about Spider-Man?

Peter: I mean I was on the ceiling, they probably figured it out. And if not, I'll tell them.

Harley: Okay

End of Mind Conversation

The mind conversation only lasted about 1 minute. So the Harley answered Lila and Cooper

"We're Tony Stark's kids, we're twins. I'm older by 12 minutes. My names Harley Anthony Stark and this is my younger brother Peter Benjamin Stark."

Peter rolled his eyes and said "And I'm Spider-Man"

"Woah really?? You're Spider-Man?!?" Lila asked, at the same time Cooper questioned them by saying "Tony Stark's kids? Seriously? Uncle Tony doesn't have kids!"

"Don't know where you're getting your info from cause it's wrong" Peter sassed back,

"Cause we're his kids and yes, my younger brother IS Spider-Man" Harley sassed

"Cool!" Lila said

"Soooooo do you guys like Vines or pranks?" Cooper asked

"Like them?!? We LOVE them?!? " Peter started, "We did this really good prank the other day to the team, we switched the coffee ground with dirt! It was hilarious!" Harley finished.

"Road work ahead??" Cooper started, "UGH, YEAH I SURE HOPE IT DOES!!" Harley, Peter and Cooper finished.



"Ahhh fudge, I can't believe you've done this!" Cooper said with a horrible British accent

"Can I get a waffle, can I PLEASE get a waffle?" Peter said

"My name is Jared. I'm 19 and I've never freaking learned how to read!" Harley exclaimed

"This female dog empty! YEET!" Cooper shouted

"Hey Peter, how did you take down Captain America?" Harley and Cooper asked

"I shot him in ze legs cause his shield is the size of a dinner plate and he's an idiot" Peter answered in a terrible German accent.

They all stared at each other for a sec and then bursted out laughing with Lila staring at them confused.

"THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!" Cooper screamed.

Harley jumped back on the couch, Cooper climes on the love-seat and Peter being the dramatic person he is, attached to the ceiling.

Harley started laughing at Peter while Lila and Cooper looked at him in awe and shock.

By now all the adults raced to the room because of all the screaming, yelling and loud noises.

"WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING HERE?!?!?" The parents yell, just so they can be heard over the 3 teens (Harley, Peter and Cooper) laughing.

The parents look in shock and surprise as Peter is on the ceiling, Harley standing on the couch and Cooper standing on the arm-rest of the love-seat, all when laughing their butts off.

Then you see peaceful, quiet little Lila, drawing in her colouring book near the coffee table, completely ignoring the 3 boys and occasionally rolling her eyes at them

The boys were laughing so much that they fell- Peter fell from the ceiling, Harley fell of the sofa and Cooper fell off the arm-rest. Cause they all fell off at the same time, it caused a big bang.

"THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN'T FREAKING LOVE YOU!!!" The boys screamed at the same time, still not acknowledging the adults. 

They all stared at each other for a couple seconds and then started wheezing with laughter, not seeing the adults yet.

By now the adults are just confused at this point.

Tony decided to speak up and said "This was a terrible decision, introducing Harley and Peter to Cooper, wasn't it?"

"Yes, yes it was Tony" Clint replied.

The next morning

Third Person POV

Tony and Pepper woke up to a air horn being blown in their ears.

Laura and Clint woke up to the same thing.

When the adults went downstairs they couldn't find any good or coffee.

That's right, Cooper, Harley and Peter his the adults beloved coffee.

The adults all learned a lesson that day:


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