Career Day

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Peter's POV
Today is the day. Today is Career Day. I didn't tell my family because I don't want to bother them and be a burden.

Ned's mom offered to do it for me too but I refused, it didn't feel right. When I woke up this morning for school, I groaned. I did my normal morning routine: shower, brush teeth, change clothes and then downstairs for breakfast.

When I get down stairs Wanda and Loki say "Good morning P" and "Good morning Peter".

"Hey guys." I say less cheerful then normal

"What's wrong" they ask,

I shake my head to say nothing. I eat my breakfast and Wanda and Loki day their gonna be dropping me off at school. I'm excited! My "brother and sister" don't usually drop me off.

We go in our low key Auto8 and they're in their disguise, Loki is wearing a black Gucci sweater and some black jeans, with some black Gucci sunglasses and Wanda is wearing some maroon leggings and a red T-shirt, with a red baseball hat. When we get to school I rush out and say goodbye and I'm off. I don't want them figuring out it's Career Day.

Wanda and Loki POV
Peter thinks we're STUPID IDIOTS! He comes down and is so not his usual cheerful self and said he's fine.

So we decide to drop him off and see what's happening. When we get to his school Peter just rushes out of the car and goes to school. We realize that there is a bunch of parents here. So we decide to see what's happening.

Wanda walks toward a parent and asks "What's happening right now?" and Loki does the same with another group of adults. We both get the same answer: "It's career day today! Didn't you know?"

We both shake our head and then head back to the car. Time to round up the family and help Pete out!

Peter's POV
I walk into school and I don't think Wanda and Loki figured it out.

I walk toward Ned and MJ, "Did you get anyone to come Peter?" they ask

I shake my head saying "I don't want to be a burden.",
My friends catch on and they decide to change the subject. We talk about our Science project instead. When we head into class Careers Day starts, I see Flash and his father come in and they both give me evil glares. Now I see where he got it from.

An hour passes and the only person who hasn't had their parents tell about their job is me.

And just then my WHOLE family shows up. "Sorry we are late" Dad say.

I run over to them, "What are you guys doing here?" I ask,

"How come you didn't tell us Petey Pie?" Mom asks, I look at my family and they look really hurt.

"I didn't want to be a burden. You guys are super busy" I mumble.

"Peter Benjamin Stark we will always have time for you." Wanda says, "We're your family!" Loki adds, and I hear a chorus of "yep", "always", "forever" and "we love you Peter/Petey Pie/Pete/Stark Junior/Benjamin/P"

I move closer to hug them and Flash sticks out if leg to trip me, my Spidey senses warn me and I go around it and my whole family sees this.

Instead of them getting mad I just hug them before they can get mad. Then one by one my family explains what they do and everyone and I mean everyone is on the edge of their seat.


I hear his father say "Good job son! Tell him!" and then he nails me in the face.

My whole family walks over to him and Dad aka THE TONY FREAKIN STARK and THE IRON MAN and Mom aka PEPPER POTTS-STARK, CEO OF STARK INDUSTRIES, say together "We are his family. We are also billionaires, you can't pay billionaires. And who the hell are you to even dare to say that to our son and their nephew?" Then my uncles, aunt and "sister and brother" all stand menacingly.
Wanda and Loki's hands are dripping with magic, Mama Spider is twirling her half a dozen knives, Uncle Clint has his bow and arrow at the ready, Dad and Mom summoned their suit, Uncle Bruce is looking a little green, and Uncle Thor has Miljonor (A/N I'm sorry if I spelled that wrong and if I missed anybody.), and honestly, I scared for Flash.

My family gives him and his father one last death glare and then say to my class and their parents "Thank you for having us!", then Uncle Bucky says to me "I'll be picking you up today, okay Pete?", I nod and then my family walks out with everyone staring at me in shock and awe!

A part 2 is coming!!! Hope you liked part 1!!!

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