Field Trip Pt.4

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Peter's POV

When we get to the Avengers Tower everyone is in awe but I don't really care, I mean I live here. I know all the secret passageways and all the rooms. Heck, I've even lead tours! 

I've been to every level out of the 10, so, no, I'm not in awe. Kathrine gives everyone but me a white card, it's for the bottom level. A hand raises up and Parvati asks Katherine a question "What do all the levels mean? What are the different colour cards?" she asked. 

Katherine replies "There are ten levels in total. "Level 1: Level one is basically the lobby. Everyone has a access to it."

"Level 2: Level two has a white card. It's for class tour guides like yourselves. It has access to the bathrooms and level one."

"Levels 3-4: Levels three and four are for regular guides. They have access to the bathrooms and all the levels below. It has a blue card"

"Level 5-6: Level five and six are for the press and press conferences and they have purple cards."

"Level 7-8: Levels seven and eight are for S.H.I.E.L.D agents. They have access to those levels and every level below with their black cards.

"Level 9: Level nine is for the Avenger's family. It doesn't get used often but you will need a rainbow card."

"Level 10: Level ten is the final level in the tower. It is only for the Avengers and Mrs.Potts-Stark. You will need a red and gold card.", she finishes.

She gives everyone but me a white card and when she comes to me she asks "Hey Peter. You have your card right?". I nod yes and my face is a dark red colour while everyone stares at me.

Flash scans his white card on the elevator and FRIDAY says "Eugene Thompson, Level two", everyone jumps at the sound and Katherine explains FRIDAY. 

It goes on like this for 20 minutes and then it's my turn. I pull out my red and gold card and scan it, FRIDAY says "Hello Peter, do you want me to tell boss you have a arrived?", I reply with "U-Uh no FRIDAY, I'm on a Field Trip,". 

My face is officially a tomato. "HOW THE HECK DOES PUNY PARKER HAVE A RED AND GOLD CARD?!?!?" I hear Flash yell. 

Katherine says to Flash something about bullying is not acceptable here and I mentally thank her. We go up to the second level and Uncle Clint and Auntie Tasha come down with teasing and silly looks in their eyes and a smirk on their faces while they glance at me. Shoot. They're gonna embarrass me, I think. 

They come over much to everyone's whispers and come hug me. "What are you guys doing here?!?" I whisper-scream so that only they can hear. 

"We came to see you and your class on your"- my aunt and uncle pause and give me a mischievous look-"field trip to the Tower Peter" they reply.

 "You saw me and them so can you please leave now Uncle Clint and Mama Spider? Please?", I say lowering my voice what I get to "Uncle Clint and Mama Spider". They act like I stabbed them in the by placing a hand over their heart and giving me puppy eyes. 

Mrs.Brown says "MR.PARKER! How DARE you speak to the Avengers like that?!? You will have 2 weeks of detention for that!" I give her a confused look and look to my Aunt and Uncle for help.

"Don't worry teach we joke around all the time" Uncle Clint says, "Yeah. No need for detention", Aunt Nat adds. 

Mrs.Brown has a surprised look on her face but doesn't say anything, while she nods. Katherine moves on with the tour while Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint go back up stairs with proud looks on their faces.


When lunch rolls around I realize I forgot my lunch upstairs. Luckily Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky come down with it. "Heya Petey! You forgot your lunch so we came to bring it to you." Uncle Buck says. 

I thank them and Uncle Steve replies with "No problem. Left over pizza from last night!" and with that they leave. I ignore my spidey sense that are going crazy with Flashes yelling and pounding the table, everybody's whispers and gasps and the usual city sounds and just eat my pizza, talking to Ned and MJ. 

Katherine explains that after lunch the Avengers (my family) are going to be answering questions after lunch.

My family and the kid who bullies me, all in one room. What could go wrong??

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