April 2021 | Fighter

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Title: Fighter (aka Fightgirl Ayse)

Genre: Action

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes (completed)

Type: Film

Synopsis: Aïcha is a high-school student with a passion for kung fu. Her Turkish parents expect her to get good grades so she can get into medical school, but school doesn't inspire her, and she starts secretly training at a professional, co-ed kung fu club.

Reasons for Recommendation: The main character, Aïcha, is someone who has a passion for something. Like all of you, we each have something we are passionate about and can't imagine what it would be like if we wouldn't be able to do that special hobby. Let us know what your hobby is, how long you've been doing it, and what got you into it in the comments!

We all know what it's like when our parents have a plan for our future. As teenagers, we might not understand why they go to the extreme to ensure we receive a life of happiness. We might consider them to be controlling of our personal lives, but at the end of the day, they do it because they want what's best for us. The same could be said for Aïcha's parents. Although they are a significant obstacle in her quest to becoming a kung fu master, they wish for nothing but the best for her. The cultural struggles in this film and Aïcha's determination to break free of her parents' control is so relatable, you can't help but wish for her success.

Although there is some romance between Aïcha and her classmate, it isn't the main focus of the story. It offers some hope and peacefulness in-between those stressful interactions between Aïcha and her parents as well as Aïcha and her fiancée. 

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