Chapter 03

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"Eren, before you go can I ask if you're free this weekend?" I asked when I finished packing my suitcase.

"Um, yeah." Eren smiled at him while he put on his backpack.

"Good, because I have a meeting and I need your help."

It seems like I needed everyone's help after all. My attempts at asking him out failed, Eren didn't seem to noticed or understood the signs I'm throwing at him.

And for the record, I fucking muster all my courage to ask him out directly. But...

"A date, Sir?" Eren's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yes." I managed to say without my voice failing me. Damn, I had never been so nervous in my whole life.

"Like a calendar?" He pondered.

Now, I'm the confused one and squeaked a reply. "Um... Yes?"

"You want to take me in a calendar? Like a calendar shop?" Eren tilted his head on the side. Utterly confused.

I fucking held a floor meeting the next day while Eren was busy copying files in my office.

I was asking- no, I was begging everyone for help on how the fuck could I get Eren Yeager to go out with me.

Thankfully, everyone was on board, though I heard them talking about me behind my back. They said that I've turned soft since Eren came and they thank the lords for that. Fucking maggots, I'm still scolding them for their incompetence at work. What the fuck they're talking about me turning soft?!

Anyways, everyone fucking failed. Others threw signs and some even reenacted the scene in front of Eren but the adorable brat still didn't get it!

Even the angelic girl Historia. The two become friends and Historia's been helping with Eren. She was a nice kid, though I sometimes felt a tinge of jealousy to see her always together with Eren. Historia wouldn't do that, right? I mean, she was always fidgeting when Ymir came in... Oh. Maybe I should help her with Ymir after this.

Despite all the failures, I'm not giving up.

Now, trying on Hange's 27th plan. Yes, that's right, this was the 27th attempt but I still had 83 plans to go if this ended up as a failure. The witch created this long list with every spec of details and I must say, she's a genius.

"Wait! Really? Me? But what about Petra?" Eren pointed at himself.

"Yes, Petra had some important thing to do this weekend. Are you in for it?"

"Yes! Of course! What should I wear?" Eren was vibrating with excitement.

"Casual, make sure you're comfortable. I'll send you the place and time. Check your phone when you arrived home."

"Okay! Don't worry Boss! I won't let you down!" He was beaming and smiling from ear to ear.

I smiled. Feeling my heart skip again. Dammit, Yeager.


I was walking down the street with confidence and coolness but deep inside, I wanted to jump for joy like a teenager.

This was it, I'm going on a date with Eren! Fucking finally!

I had never spent so long in front of a mirror before. I wanted to wear a cute dress just like any other Omegas who went on dates. I felt like a whole new and much better me wearing a flowy blue dress, cute platform sandals instead of dress shoes, and expensive suits. My head felt lighter too without the hair gel.

I felt like I was back during my university days. I would wear a casual dress like this everyday, some even given me the title "The Diva". I couldn't blame them, because just like Hange said when we first met- Who would have thought that this pretty and innocent-looking Omega could turn into a demon?

God, I missed those days. Usually, I broke an Alpha's arm every semester. Those touchy bastards!

I froze like a deer caught on headlights when I saw Eren in his casual.

"Oh, god. He's hot." I whispered.

I've dated several Alphas before, they always show up in a new branded t-shirt, expensive jeans, and as well as shoes. They always had sunglasses on to look cool and collected.

But why Eren? In a simple green t-shirt with a small hole on the hem, a faded black jacket over his shoulder, and ripped jeans and his sneakers. He cleaned them! It's not the best, but the thought counts!

I don't know why I found him more appealing. It could be his untamed hair? Or his smile? Maybe his eyes? Either way, he's so hot and I don't think my heart could ever beat this fast.

I tried to calmly approached him. He was leaning on the wall of a boutique, eyes on his phone as he tapped away. Then he noticed me.

Oh, shit!

"H-Hi!" I squeaked once I'm in front of him.

He blushed lightly and smiled at me. "Hello."

"You look good." I managed. I wanted to say that he looked so dreamy that I could eat him up, then, maybe I could drag him to the nearest hotel. But I stopped myself.

Get your shit together, Levi! This was your first date!

"Oh, thank you!" Eren's smile grew bigger, showing off his white teeth.

"So? Let's go." I took his hand. I hope he didn't notice that my hand was ice cold.

I tensed when he gently removed his hand from mine.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean," Eren chuckled awkwardly. "I think you've mistaken me for someone else."

I gaped at him, my heart shattered into pieces. Did he forgot?! Did he hit his head or something and forgot about everything and me?!

He looked down at his phone. "I'm meeting my Boss. I'm going to accompany him to a meeting. I'm a little surprised that he's late. He's never late, you know?"

I must have looked like an idiot gaping at him like a fish. "Eren, I'm your boss."

His beautiful green eyes stared at me for a second before he chuckled. "Haha, no, you are not. My boss is a different person."

My shoulders slacked in defeat. Is he serious? Oh, Gods... he's fucking adorable.

I fished my phone on my shell-shape shoulder bag and quickly sent him a message.

His phone pinged and he read the text several times before he sighed.

"What is it?" I said innocently.

"My boss said that the meeting was canceled and said I should go home or hang out with someone."

"What luck!" I cheered. "My friend that I'm meeting today also texted me that he won't come. How about we hang out instead?"

"Um, I'm not sure..."

"How about let's sit somewhere? It's a little hot today, isn't it? How about we buy ourselves a drink?"

"Ah, yes. Okay." Eren smiled awkwardly.

I gently took his hand. "My name is Levi, by the way."

"Levi?" His green eyes widen at me.

Thank the heavens he gets it now!

I was beaming when he smiled at me. "Levi, you have the same name as my boss. What a coincidence."

My smile dropped. Okay, he still didn't get it. Either way, I kept the smile on my face. Who fucking cares, right? I'm going on a date with Eren!


edited 02/26/21

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