Chapter 04

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We settled on the nearest open cafe. I was a bit surprised when Eren and I ordered the same milkshake drink.

"You like chocolate?" Eren asked as we paid on the counter.

"God, I love chocolate! You have no idea." I exclaimed. I didn't like other sweets and candies but somehow, I would die for chocolate. Maybe because my mother never failed to buy me a bar every time she came home from work and when my uncle Kenny came home after his trip.

"Me too, dark chocolate is my favorite," Eren chuckled shyly.

"I like dark chocolate too." No, I'm not saying it because I wanted that Eren and I had something in common and talked about it. No. I genuinely loved chocolate.

When our orders arrived we sat on one of the vacant tables and enjoyed our cold black forest shake. And I felt like Eren and I was meant to be when we both decided to order a slice of choco fudge cake afterward.

"This is so good!" Eren moaned as he took another slice of the cake.

"Yeah, I wonder why I didn't know this place," I looked back and read the cafe's name next to the menu behind the counter. Rose wall, huh, that's accurate. The cafe was open air but there were some partitions full of red roses to provide some privacy.

Holy shit, this was turning into a real date!

"I knew this place before," Eren spoke.

"Really?" I rested my chin on my knuckles as I simply admired him. Just looking at him, how he ate, he smiles, he fidgeted. He's stunning.

"Yeah, but I couldn't afford any of this. I was jumping from one job to another but this time, I finally got a full-time job." He was beaming and I slightly frowned.

I didm't want to pity him but, I'm aware that Eren's a bit slow and probably not fitted on some jobs... I couldn't stop myself from imagining how hard it was for him. He's an Alpha, after all, an elite dynamic by genes. I wonder how he tried so hard to fit in those shoes.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Eren smiled shyly at me. "I shouldn't have said that."

"No, it's fine. I don't mind. Actually, I want to learn more about you Eren."

Erem blinked at me while taking a sip on his shake. "Why?"

"Well, you're a nice guy and I want to know more about you so that you could be my boyfriend."

Eren coughed several times and wheezed. Well, that did the trick, I could tell he gets where I'm going now. I didn't know where I got the courage to say those words so bluntly, maybe it was the chocolate? It could be, maybe if I ordered another slice of choco fudge cake, I'll be able to pull the courage to propose to him.

Eren kept on coughing and I passed him a tissue which he gladly accepted. A few people glared in our direction and I glared back at them. If anyone dared to approach our table and spit about- being considerate to others, I'll kill them in a heartbeat.

Eren finally caught his breath and wiped his mouth, then he stared at me with wide eyes. "D-Do you mean it?"

I simply nodded with a hopeful smile. I meant it, Yeager. If he didn't believe me, I'll order another choco fudge cake (for courage) and propose to him now. No, I didn't have a ring but I still had the plastic ring that my mother gave me when I was five years old. It may not cost much, but I treasured it dearly.

"Ahhhh." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and forced a smile. "I don't want to sound rude to you, but I don't think it would work out."

My smile dropped. He loved someone else?!

"I'm... I'm not a desirable Alpha," he added when a sad smile. "I'm not smart, I don't own a car, and I lived in a shabby apartment. A beautiful Omega like you Levi, deserved more."

I could have cried right there. Those words made me loved him more. "You're wrong."

Eren frowned. "I'm sorry. I told you I'm not that smart."

"Not that. You're wrong because you deserved everything in this world Eren!" I didn't mean to raise my voice. I had to keep my shit straight, cleared my throat, and soften my voice. The last thing I want was, Eren to run away because I scared him. "You deserved everything Eren. Please, let me show you that. Go on a date with me."


There's his signature confused look. Big green eyes in shock and he titled his head to the side like an innocent puppy. Shit, I wanted to marry him.

"Yes, just like this. We go out and spend time getting to know each other or just enjoyed each other's company." I elaborated.

Eren blinked. Once, twice, and I could feel the gears in his head started turning, then he lit up like a light bulb when he finally gets it. "Date... Oh, no!" He exclaimed and covered his face with both hands.

I slightly panicked. "What's wrong?"

Eren looked at me between his fingers. "My Boss, the one who had the same name as yours. He also asked me out on a date and I was so dumb, I thought he meant it differently!"

"No, it's okay," I reached out and ruffled his brown hair. God, it was so soft, I could see myself raking my fingertips on his hair while we cuddle on my couch. "I'm sure he'll understand you."

"No," Eren shook his head and I withdraw my hand. He fished his phone and started typing. "I have to apologize somehow and tell him that I couldn't go on a date with him because I'll be going with you."

My jaw dropped and my heart skipped a beat. Did that mean that Eren would go out with me? Shit, I want to hug him and kiss him right now. My heart skipped another beat, fuck, I needed to get to my doctor at this point.

"So, you'll go out with me?" I said with a bit of hopefulness in my voice. I wanted Eren to be certain and clear that he wanted to go out with me too. I didn't want to know at the end of the day that he meant a whole different thing.

Eren placed down his phone and smiled at me. A pure smile. "Of course, I don't know what you see in me but I want to get to know you too."


edited 02/26/21

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