Chapter 07

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I was in a middle of a meeting when my phone ping. It was Jean, he sent back the money I gave him a few months back.

Jean: Eren paid me for the rent and other shit. He actually kept a list of everything I covered up for him. Who knew right? I'm giving it back to you since you already paid me.

Huh, Jean's a good guy. Maybe I should hook him up with... I scanned the Omegas in the room and eyed Marco for a good moment.

Marco Bott was the one in charge of the presentation today. He's cute and kind, maybe he's single?

Marco noticed my intense stare and fidgeted on his spot. "Um, Boss? What do you think?"

I wasn't listening, I was simply picturing Jean and him together. They could work, they looked like a cute couple to me.

"Levi," Erwin tapped his pen on the table. The annoying sound snapped me back to reality.

"Ah, yes." I straightened in my chair and told them about the disadvantages of implementing the said project as well as the advantages. Everyone agreed that pushing the project next year would be risky and decided to push the project for two years. Now that all those business shit was taken care of, I could finally go back to playing cupid. "Marco."

The freckled Omega flinched. "Y-Yes, Boss?"

"Are you single?"

"I... I'm-" He stuttered and was taken aback by my question. But he managed to get his shit straight. "Ah, yes... Sir?"

"Good, I know a good Alpha, maybe you should meet him."

"I-I-I... um, ah... okay?" Marco gulped and looked around the rest of the people in the room. I could see Hange shrugging at my peripheral vision.

"Great! I can give you his phone number now-" I paused when my phone pinged again. This time, the text was from Eren.

I smiled when I saw his name. I quickly read the message and my smile dropped. I screamed.

Everyone in the meeting room stood and looked at me with concern as I wheeled my chair away from the desk, specifically, away from my phone.

Hange and Petra quickly went to peek at my phone with curiosity. Then, they both gave me a patient smile.

"Boss, it's going to be okay," Petra gently said.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" I shouted at her.

"What is going on?" Erwin asked on behalf of the others in the room who were scared to ask me about my sudden outburst.

"Eren asked Levi if he wanted to go to his hometown to meet his mother, sister, and his friends," Hange calmly explained to everyone and added. "Also, he wanted Levi to stay overnight."

"I see, it's not that bad, Levi." Erwin comforted. "I'm sure that Mrs. Yeager will like you."

"What if she's a diva?! And besides, Eren and I had been seeing each other for a few months but we never kiss on the lips!"

The room was silent until Marco spoke, out of all people. "You didn't try to kiss him first?"

I immediately felt the heat on my face. Of course, Eren showered me with tender kisses but he avoided my lips for some odd reasons. "I... I attempted to try but... ugh, I fear that my chest would explode and IT DIDN'T HELP THAT I'M SO FUCKING SHORT!"

Everyone knew that Eren's not likely the one to initiate first. In our relationship, I always took lead, from tender innocent kisses to cuddles, and when Eren stopped blushing at my advances and he grew confident, only then, he would reciprocate. And, of course, everyone knew that!

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