Chapter 09

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The drive was long but I'm not complaining because Eren was talking throughout the journey. He told me everything, his childhood, all his daredevil acts when he was a teen, raving about the beach near Shingansina. Sometimes, Jean would join the conversation and often bricker with Eren at something simple.

We reached Shingansina around 10 in the morning and parked at the blue old victorian house with white picket fences with a well-maintained garden. I may not be an architect, but I admired the house, may it be modern style or old.

I found myself out of the car, holding Eren's hand while he dragged me excitedly to the front door. Jean, on the other hand, said that he had to drop by his folks and come back later with the rest of Eren's friends for the party.

Eren was giggling as he rang the doorbell.

"This is your house, right?" I asked. Why would he ring his own house?

"Yep! But I wanna surprise mom!" Eren giggled. I smiled, that's just sweet.

Not a moment later, the door opened, revealing a female Omega in her early fifties with brown hair, tan skin, and honey-brown eyes. Her eyes widen like saucers when she saw Eren.

I slightly gasped. She looked exactly like Eren.


The woman opened her arms as Eren launched himself in her embrace. "Eren! Happy birthday! I didn't expect you to be so early!"

"I missed you, mom," Eren cried.

I silently watched their reunion and it made me want to visit my mother and my uncle in France. Maybe that's our next plan.

"Where's Mikasa?" Eren asked as he looked inside the house.

"She's at Armin's."

"I see."

They pulled away and her eyes landed on me. "Dear, is that?"

Eren moved next to me with a big smile on his face, he draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me flushed on his side. "Mom! Meet Levi! He's my boyfriend!"

I gave her a curt nod and smile. "Nice to meet you, ma'am."

She smiled at me and her eyes were gentle as she spoke. "It's really nice to finally meet you, Levi. Please, call me Carla."

I've been wondering what was I nervous about in the meeting my Alpha's mother in the first place. Carla was a wonderful and caring woman. She helped me get settled in the guest room, and brew me tea. After lunch, she let me help her cook the meals for Eren's birthday dinner party.

While Eren went out to meet his friends, giving me and Carla some privacy. I didn't want to lie to her and told her everything. How Eren set the copy machine on fire, my several failed attempts to ask him out, how he thought that I'm not his boss, and now, here.

"Thank you, Levi," Carla smiled at him.

"I just boiled the potatoes," I whispered.

"That," Carla giggled. "And also, for accepting my son."

I smiled and confessed. "Eren's a great guy and I never felt this way with my previous relationship before. I love him because... I just love him."

The smile on Carla's face turned into a frown. "I had of plenty complications while carrying Eren. His father was a doctor and he did everything to help me. Eren was born healthy but for an Alpha he's..." she paused and took a deep breath.

I pressed my lips in a thin line and patted her back. Now that I thought about it, Eren never mentioned his father before and the scents in the house belong to Carla, and Eren's scent was there but only mild.

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