Chapter 08

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Who would have thought that I'll be going to work on Monday with a smile plastered on my face? And I'm not the only one smiling like a dork in the office, Marco as well. I guess my matchmaking attempt was a success.

Eren and I had been making out and cuddling the whole weekend while watching Cinderella and creepy-ass Snow White. Though he didn't attempt to slip his hand under my shirt again, that's a bummer but I'm fine. My patience would reward me soon.

My phone rang and I couldn't believe that I'm happy to see that Hange's calling me. Taking my phone, I glanced at Eren, he seemed busy copying files but I couldn't risk it. He might be wondering why I'm squealing at Hange over the phone. He also looked handsome today with his new shirt-

The ringing on my phone stopped but it rang again, showing Hange's name. I quickly excused myself and went to my private bathroom. Closing the door and putting down the toilet's lid, I sat down and accepted the call with glee.

"Hey, bestie!"

"Um, ew?" Hange said with disgust on the other line.

"Okay," I playfully rolled my eyes. "What's up bitch?"

"That's more like it! Now, everyone had been buzzing that you've been smiling all day?"

"How could I not when I spend the whole weekend cuddling and eating Eren's face?"

"Too much information but I'm glad your relationship's doing well!"


"Also, Marco's been smiling and cheerful too after you hooked him up with Eren's friend. So, Erwin figured that maybe you could help him out too."

"Erwin?" I scoffed. "I thought he was dating someone."

"Levi, honey, before you met Eren, I'm the only one in a relationship," Hange boasted.

"You're just fucking lucky Moblit showed up early!" I hissed but there's no venom in my words. "Alright, this weekend, I'm going to Eren's hometown to meet his mother and some of his friends to celebrate his birthday. I'll seek someone for Erwin."

"Thanks, Levi!" Erwin's voice was distant on the other line but Levi heard him loud and clear.

"Look at us! We're moving forward to life!" Hange cheered.


Friday evening came, I started packing some clothes and getting ready for our trip to Shingansina with Eren and Jean.

Tomorrow's going to be Eren's birthday and I couldn't wait to greet him. For the record, I already greeted him an advance happy birthday as his boss first thing in the morning. Then, the whole floor greeted him with an advance happy birthday and Eren was so happy and cute, ugh! He's so cute!

Folding the clothes neatly and organizing my suitcase helped me relax about meeting Eren's mother, despite Jean, Eren, and Hange's reassurance. I didn't mind meeting Eren's friend and sister, if they were cool like Jean, then I could live with that. It was meeting Mrs. Yeager I'm worried about!

I was halfway done packing when my phone pinged, showing a text from Jean.

Jean: Aside from your first present... why not sleep with Eren?

I snatched my phone and replied to him with rage.

Levi: First things first, you perv! And second, Eren's reluctant to touch me! He did it once! Just once!

Jean: Geez, sorry. It's just because Yeager won't stop whining about him being a virgin. I tried pushing him to just watch porn so he could learn!

My jaw dropped at the new information and I ferociously tapped my reply.

Levi: Who's the porn star that he's watching?! I want that person dead!

Jean: Easy, Omega! Don't worry, he didn't watch any. He refused.

I sighed in relief. It was going to be Eren's birthday after all and a small gathering will be held at his house in Shingansina and we'll stay there overnight before going back to the city. I've already got him a present but maybe two presents were not so bad.

Jean: Right now, he's practicing how to invite you to sleep in his room. I'm telling you right now because Eren's a nervous wreck.

I gasped. Grinning as I typed my reply. Eren wanted to sleep with me, shit, I just hoped that when he meant- sleep in his room- not just the act of sleeping.

Levi: Leave it all to me.


I parked in front of Eren and Jean's apartment, I was a bit early, noting that the two Alpha's were not waiting outside. Probably they're still getting ready in their apartment. I climbed the stairs and grabbed the spare key that Eren gave me for their apartment.

I let myself in and I smiled when I saw Eren in the kitchen, cooking some eggs. He had an apron on with cat prints. Shit, he's adorable!

"L-Levi! Sorry, um, I'm still cooking breakfast-"

I ran to him, threw my arms around and squeezed him in my embrace. "Happy birthday!"

Eren chuckled. "You already greeted me through text but, I won't lie. I like this. Thanks, Levi."

I pulled away and admired him with his cute cat apron. "You're hot."

"Yeah, because of the stove's heat," Eren chuckled and turned back to his eggs, lowering the fire, he expertly flipped the egg over.

I gaped. Eren's damn good, I couldn't even flip my eggs like that or bother to cook myself some breakfast. I rather go down the street and eat in a cafe or restaurant.

Eren turned to me with a proud smile. He's was showing off when he flipped the egg again and I'm not ashamed to show how impressed I am. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"No, I was planning on grabbing some on a drive-through or something," I honestly said.

"Alright, I'm making my mom's special egg omelette! I promise you'll love it!"

While Eren was busying cooking, I stayed his side and simply admired the brunette as he cooked. Jean came out of his room shortly after Eren finished cooking. The two Alphas ate quickly, reasoning that we could avoid traffic if we hurry. But I wanted to relish the heavenly taste of the omelette that Eren cooked.

And that's why I'm on the passenger seat with Eren, eating my omelette slowly with gusto while Jean drove my car outside the city and towards the road to Shingansina.

"More!" I demanded once I finished the omelette.

"Jean, let's stop at the next road cafe and buy some omelette for Levi," Eren called the other Alpha behind the wheel.

"Oh, there's one," Jean slowed down, as we approached the cozy small building.

"No, I want Eren's cooking." I insisted.

"But, I don't think that the cafe would allow me to cook in their kitchen," Eren frowned.

"So? Should we stop by or?" Jean looked up at us in the rearview mirror.

I shook my head and held Eren's hand on mine, lacing our fingers together. "No, let's keep going but," I turned to smile at the brunette Alpha. "You have to cook omelette for me when we reached your home. Please?"

Eren beamed. "Of course!"


edited 02/26/21

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