4 - Intentions

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A calming silence falls upon the group as Yoongi checks over the wounds on your hands. By now, Hoseok and Seokjin had also shifted into their human form - both hybrids only further confirming your previous suspicion that everyone in the pack is drop-dead handsome - when the snow leopard hybrid asked them to fetch some water to clean away the blood. The two prey hybrids now hover near Yoongi as they aid in cleaning your wounds.

As Yoongi works quickly but gently, you take the time to let your gaze wander around the clearing, more specifically the small camp set up in the middle. Currently, you're sitting on one of the few folding chairs placed a few feet away from the campfire. There are some pots, pans, and cooking utensils lying nearby giving you the impression the pack was just about to make dinner before you arrived. On the other side of the fire, there is a large tent big enough to fit the seven of them. Aside from what your eyes can see, the boys don't seem to have much.

"I know it looks like we don't have much," Taehyung speaks up, almost as if he just read your thoughts. He's been watching you since Yoongi started dressing your wounds, trying to catch a glimpse of who you are as a person. "But we're happy with what we've got."

"Your grandfather actually bought us the tent, the chairs, and well, just about anything aside from the clothes we had on our backs the day he met us," Jungkook adds with an appreciative glimmer in his eyes.

"I'm glad my grandfather was able to provide you guys with some items to help. But do you know why-"

Before you can finish your question, Yoongi brushes over a particularly deeper laceration causing you to wince under your breath.

Jungkook and Taehyung's ears perk when they hear your evident pain. Taehyung is quick to place a gentle hand on your forearm while Jungkook wraps his tail around your upper arm in an attempt to soothe you.

"I'm almost done," Yoongi murmurs. His eyebrows are furrowed in concentration and his tongue is poking out slightly as he tries his best to clean over the rest of your wounds as gently as possible. 

"We just need to apply some healing ointment and you'll be good to go," Seokjin adds softly.

"Oh, and some bandaids so you don't get the wounds dirty which risks infecting them," Hoseok adds, waving around the said bandaids in the air playfully.

"Thank you, guys," you smile in appreciation. "But you really didn't have to do this. I probably would have been fine after just washing my hands."

"It's the least we can do," Seokjin shakes his head adamantly. "Especially after the way Jimin attacked you like that."

You internally wince when you hear the hesitation in the elder's voice when he uses the word 'attacked' to describe the actions of his friend.

"While I can't say I wasn't shocked, I can understand why he did what he did," you respond. "I would be quite defensive too if a stranger showed up in my home."

"Thank you for being so understanding," Seokjin smiles at you with the most adorable pair of bread cheeks. If you hadn't had only met him less than an hour ago, you wouldn't have hesitated to reach out to pinch and coo at his cheeks.

However, the hushed angry whispers from the other side of the clearing snap you out of your temporary infatuation with the sugar glider hybrid. Judging by the way everyone's ears twitch, it's safe to assume the rest of the pack are picking up on the conversation between Namjoon and Jimin just as well - if not even better than you, given their heightened senses.

"How can you just willingly trust a stranger like that? Was no one in this pack thinking with their brain? She could have easily reported us to Hybrid Control and we would have been on the run again. Hell, she could go and report us right now or after she leaves if she wants to!" Jimin yells angrily at the white panther hybrid - who you've learned, after a brief conversation with Yoongi, is the leader of this pack.

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