13 - Cub vs. Bear

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As you pull into the small parking lot at the pack's place, you can already feel an odd change in the atmosphere. You haven't even stepped foot out of your car yet, let alone set your gears into park, but you can sense that something isn't quite right. The air is tense and the silence in the surrounding forest is deafening.

Your suspicions are confirmed the moment you cut off the engine and unlock your doors to step out. Just when your driver's door is cracked open enough, no more than seven inches wide, you see a blur of light brown scurry into the vehicle before scaling up your arm.

"Hoseok?" you squeak in surprise, blinking rapidly at the red panda staring at you with an expression resembling something similar to alarm.

The small hybrid squeaks at you and you cock your head to the side in confusion. You can see Hoseok give a laborious agitated huff before using one of his small hands to tug on your shirt sleeve and using his other hand to point towards the main clearing.

"Is something wrong?" you ask with furrowed eyebrows. Of course, you weren't really expecting a response that you could understand, but a nonverbal cue would have been helpful too. When Hoseok starts squeaking at you again, your body finally reacts and you clamber out of the car, with the red panda hybrid still perched on your arm.

Just as you're about to slam your door shut, a new hand reaches out and stops you from doing so.

"Oh, Namjoon," you startle with a slight jump. "You almost gave me a heart attack." You try to laugh off the small scare the panther hybrid just put you through, but when you finally take a good look at him hunched into a squatting position on the ground next to your car, you instantly seize your laughter.

"Get down, Y/N," the leader hushes you suddenly. His authoritative, yet calming, tone instantly sends shivers down your spine and you can't help but clamp your mouth shut and do as you're told. Your heart beats wildly in your chest as you watch the older male shut your car door as softly as possible before he turns to face you again.

"What's going on, Namjoon?" you ask, voice barely above a hushed whisper.

"Look, Y/N," he sighs. "I think you were-"

Before the pack leader can finish his statement, two pickup trucks roll up and park on the other side of your car. When you stand up to get a better look, Hoseok lets out a surprised squeak and tries to hide somewhere within or behind the hair that falls past your shoulders.

"Oh, they're-"

"I knew it, you were being followed," Namjoon mutters mostly to himself but you hear his statement nonetheless. He then proceeds to stand in front of you, sheltering your smaller frame with his taller one.

"Hi, there," a new voice greets. 

"How can I help you, sir?" the pack leader responds with a stern tone, unlike the soothing tone you've grown accustomed to. There's no real heat or malice in his tone, yet anyone would be able to tell the panther hybrid isn't too thrilled about the strangers in his territory.

"Namjoon," you whisper in a slight hiss, reaching both arms to give one of his arms a gentle tug. The older male turns to look at you expectedly, arching an eyebrow in a silent question. You take his cue as a chance to step next to him so that you can look him in the eyes. "He's from the contracting team. He's just dropping by today to scope out the land to ensure there aren't any unexpected problems before his team begins the project on Monday."

"Oh," the panther breathes out softly, reaching his other arm to scratch awkwardly behind his neck. "Well, this is embarrassing."

"Thank you, again, for coming out here on a weekend! I hope the drive wasn't too bad," you turn to smile warmly at the contractor.

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