18 - Kitchen Appliance Nightmare

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"Y/N? You're here earlier than usual," Seokjin mumbles groggily as he watches you enter the house. The sugar glider hybrid is still dressed in his matching pajama set and the hair on the top of his head is sticking out in odd directions.

"Sorry, I know it's a bit early but I had trouble falling and staying asleep so I just thought I'd just come over," you smile apologetically at him. "We're not supposed to go shopping for another few hours. You can go back to sleep if you want. I'll find a way to keep myself busy."

"No, it's alright. I was bound to wake up within the next half hour or so," he shrugs you off nonchalantly.

"Is anyone else awake?" you ask, taking note of the unusually quiet environment of the house.

"Not that I know of," Seokjin shakes his head, his fluffy and albeit slightly tangled hair swinging freely with the motion. "Although, Yoongi might wake up fairly soon. He usually wakes up a little after I do. He'll definitely be up when he hears your voice."

"Then maybe I should stop talking so that everyone can sleep in a little," you joke quietly, eliciting hushed chuckles from the older male.

"I'm going to go wash up. I'll be back down very soon," he states after a moment of silence.

"Take your time," you nod. "I'll start on some breakfast for us."

"Thank you, sweets," Seokjin winks at you before disappearing out of the kitchen. 

The sudden use of a nickname sends tingles down your spine and you swear your heart skips a beat.  You stare at the entryway of the kitchen in shock and you can practically feel your cheeks heat up into a burning scarlet red.

"Get ahold of yourself, woman," you scold yourself in a quiet mumble. You quickly spin around on your heel and peel open the refrigerator doors, hoping that the cool air from within will cool your flush. But when your stomach still feels like it's flipping somersaults, you bring your hands up to tap lightly at your cheeks. "What's wrong with me?"

"Are you talking to yourself?" A sudden voice startles you, causing you to jump and let out an unconscious squeak. You instinctively close the fridge in a haste before spinning around to find the owner of the voice.

When your gaze lands on Yoongi leaning against the wall, smirking at you with his tail swinging lazily behind him, you swear your heartbeat is the only thing you can hear pounding in your ears.

"Or I guess you're not talking at all," the snow leopard continues to tease when he notices your flustered state.

"G-good morning, Yoongi," you stutter. "I was just asking myself where the eggs were." You grimace but try to smile at your poorly made-up excuse.

"We both know that wasn't what you were saying, sweetheart," Yoongi points out with raised eyebrows.

"Damn you and your good hearing," you scowl, causing the older male to throw his head back in carefree laughter.

"You know, my good hearing can also hear that your heart is about to beat right out of your chest?" he questions. "It's been beating so loudly since the moment you came in."

"Well I'm glad you're able to hear that I'm alive," you roll your eyes jokingly. You try to busy yourself by pulling out some suitable breakfast ingredients you had spotted in the fridge earlier.

"No, but seriously, Y/N," Yoongi continues in a softer tone. When you place the items down on the kitchen island and glance up at the older male, his gaze has softened from teasing to slightly worried. "Are you okay? Your heartbeat doesn't usually sound like that. It sounded a little panicked. Plus your scent was, and still is, a bit sour."

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