0 - Prologue

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"Are you sure about this, sir?" the lawyer asks the individual sitting across from him. Despite the air conditioner creating a constant cool breeze, the young male's gaze catches on a single bead of sweat that races down the side of his client's face. Yet, the man across from him seems to be visibly shaking from the cold. 

"As sure as I'll ever be," the sick elderly man nods in confirmation, his pale complexion only a testament to how little time he truly has left. 

"This will cause quite the uproar in your family," the young male adds hesitantly, hoping to sway his client out of such a drastic decision. All of his years of formal education and professional training are begging him to persuade his client differently. But even then, after everything he's heard from his client, he can understand why the older male has resorted to such a decision. 

"Then so be it. It's not like they ever truly cared for me. They were only after my inheritance," the old man mutters bitterly followed by a few ragged coughs. "They all think I'm a senile old man, blind to the corruption taking place in my own family. But I am well aware of everything that goes on behind my back. That's why she's the only one I trust. She's the only one that has loved and cared for me as a family should. She's the only one who deserves this."

"As you wish, sir."

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