38 - Take Your Pick

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"Ow, that hurt!"

"It was only a little nibble, Hobi."

"Your definition of a nibble is my definition of a chomp. I think you bit part of my ear off, you overgrown cub."

"Then shall I play with your tail instead?"

A small frown forms on your lips when the sudden bickering wakes you from your impromptu nap. You hadn't even realized you dozed off but being cuddled up against Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin in their animal forms gave you the warmth and comfort perfect for a quick nap.

"Guys, stop it." You register Namjoon's stern voice cutting off the bickering duo. "Kook, you know Hobi has sensitive ears."

"And me!" A certain tiger hybrid's voice chimes in.

"And Tae," the pack leader adds as a subtle correction. "They have the most sensitive ears and tails out of all of us so you need to be extra careful when you're playing with them - we've been over this."

"I know," Jungkook sighs dejectedly.

"Guys, be quiet," Jimin hisses from seemingly right next to your ear. "You're going to wake Y/N up."

You fight off the urge to snicker at the irony of the situation. The fox hybrid is trying to warn the others of being too loud when he's being rather loud himself. But then again, you suppose he has to find a way to be heard over all of the bickering and chiding.

"She's already awake, Minnie." Seokjin's gentle voice informs the fox hybrid. "I don't think whisper shouting right into her ear helped, pudding."

You finally take this as your cue to peek your eyes open, and when you do, you're met with the sight of Jungkook and Jimin peering down at you curiously.

"Good morning," you smile cheesily, slowly peeling yourself away from Yoongi to sit up.

"It's the afternoon, silly," Jimin snorts, using his tail to tickle at your waist. "Who or what woke you up?"

"Hobi's whining," you admit with a chuckle. "But I have to say, your whisper shouting gave me a fresh start as well."

"My bad," he grimaces while ducking his head sheepishly.

"So you were just lying there with your eyes closed and eavesdropping on us?" Jungkook gasps.

"To be fair, it's a little hard to avoid eavesdropping when you're technically the one that woke me up because you bit Hobi too hard," you point out. "You still need to apologize to him for that, by the way."

"Oh, this is why you're my favorite," Hoseok coos, sending you a bright heart-shaped smile.

"Awe Hobi," you coo back. But then it dawns on you. "Wait, when did you shift back?"

"Right after Jungkook bit me so that I could complain about it," the red panda hybrid shrugs.

"And I shifted back when they got too loud so that I could yell at them," Jimin announces proudly.

"What a good boy," you hum in a subtle tease, reaching a hand out to lightly brush against one of the fox hybrid's ears. Your comment, just as you expected, has Jimin blushing a scarlet red within a matter of seconds.

"Interesting reaction," Seokjin muses, leaning in close to the younger male to pinch at his flushed skin.

"Ow! You brat!" Taehyung's sudden exclamation startles everyone. When you glance over, Jungkook has a mischievous grin resting on his lips while the tiger hybrid cradles his striped tail delicately in his arms.

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