23 - Heartbeats & Cuddles

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"Oh my stars. Took you long enough, woman!" Jungkook groans just as you step foot into the master bedroom.

"I thought you fell into the toilet because of how long you were in there!" Taehyung snickers, earning a proud high five from the youngest cub - whose lap he is currently lying his head on.

"The amount of slander I am subject to every time I am with the two of you is astounding," you roll your eyes while setting your toiletry bag down on the corner of the desk located in the room.

"Try living with them for nearly ten years, sweets," Seokjin chuckles. "It's astonishing, truly. You would think they would stop after a few years. But it seems as if I'm being harassed even more as the years go by."

"That's because you're an easy target, Jin," Jungkook smirks. "It's so easy to get a reaction out of you."

"You little brat. I practically raised you and this is the treatment I receive in return?" the eldest gasps.

"We all know damn well that your hearing is good enough to know that Y/N was just taking a shower and that she did not fall into the toilet, Tae," Yoongi responds to the younger male's earlier comment with a little bite in his tone. It almost sounds as if the snow leopard hybrid is growling in between his words. And, for some odd reason, you're struggling to fight the urge to coddle Yoongi like you would a small kitten.

"I was just trying to make a point," the tiger hybrid pouts from having been scolded.

"And I was just trying to get ready for bed," you retort.

"Oh, I love it when she talks back. It's so exciting to watch," Jimin muses from where he's lounging lazily on the bed, his gaze following your every movement.

"Why don't you say that when I talk back? I do it often," Jungkook tilts his head in confusion, turning to face the fox hybrid.

"That's because it's not fun when you do it. You give me a headache when you talk back," the older male sasses.

"Oh, sassy foxy," you giggle right before sauntering over to Namjoon, who is currently reading a book in the large armchair, far away from all the harmless bickering. The white panther barely notices you approaching, and the only indication that tells you he does is the slight flick of one of his soft ivory-colored ears. Just when you're standing close enough to feel his body heat, you glance down over his shoulder at the book he's reading.

"Hi, Y/N," the pack leader mumbles without glancing up from his page.

"Hi, Joonie," you greet back softly. "How do you read with all this noise going on in the background?"

"You get used to it after a while," Namjoon shrugs with a soft chuckle before placing his bookmark down and closing the book shut. "You smell nice and fresh."

Something in your chest flutters when the panther hybrid releases an ever-so-soft chuff under his breath. Surely, you've heard this type of reaction quite frequently from Jungkook and Taehyung. However, it's rather rare to hear the chuffs from the older felines - especially the pack leader himself.

"Are you implying that I smelled bad earlier?" you gasp in feigned offense.

"No, you still smelled ever-so-sweet," Namjoon responds calmly, instantly catching onto your attempt to tease him.

"After your shower, your scent is now enveloping the room in a nice warm hug," Taehyung informs you from where he's eavesdropping on your conversation.

"Y/N," Hoseok calls out to you just as the ensuite door swings open. When you turn your head, you look just in time to witness the steam from his shower flow out into the room and it frames his fit figure snugly. The red panda looks godly even in his matching pajama set and slightly damp hair. "Will you help me brush out my tail?"

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