The mystery of the drowned ones

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"Hey Rudolph! I have a question which is playing a weird scenario in my mind. May I ask?"

"You may captain."

"Well...have you even been to bay on a ship or a boat with someone and out of nowhere they jumped into the sea like seriously out of the blue?"

"Ummmm...lemme recall then. It happened once with me. I was on my very close relative's ship and suddenly my cousin jumped into the sea and what I saw is that he has been dragged by something in there..Uh I exactly don't remember but it looked like a mermaid...a wild one. Or maybe it was just a hallucination. But that incident was not just one but it happened with many people out there."


"It is"

"Captain! James...James...!!!!

"What happened George?"

"James jumped into the sea out of nowhere Captain and......"

"What??" *Rudolph and William reacted in unison*

"James!!!!! Heyyyy! Jamess! Jamieeee!!"

"Almighty noooo....he is being dragged by something look"

"My pistol.....where it is?! Crap!! You have your pistol???? Shoot right now!!!"

"Aight captain-" *Shoots 5 times*

"We lost him Captain. Alas!"

"I cannot believe that this has happened again with someone"

"Aight everybody, let's head back to the shore as soon as possible. We need to find out about it anyway."

"Okay Captain!"

To be continued-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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