Eclipse zone

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Quite felt ashamed on the downfall of rising sun.

"It is pretty lucid to understand the whole universe's commands but it is complicated at the same time. Alas! No special occasion can change it."

"Here we are! We've already reached, by the time let's spread out and we have to get back here before the dawn."

"Alright fellows take your routes and I hope that no one comes out with a disappointed face."

"William, you should stay here. You've got to look after yourself first."

"Are you afraid? Do you think that something might happen to me or I'll be in a danger?"

"I've experienced more and I'm not going to deny that yes I am afraid, so stay here for a while."

"Alright! You always act like.. as if you are my father or something."

"Nevermind, stay safe."

(Meanwhile, the crew members were spread out and went to discover the island)

"What is this? Seems like a stone, but.. it looks strange! (Something was sculpted on it) a seashell? Woah! I've never seen something like you huh! I'm going to take you with me."

(Crew member no. 2)

"Trees are the best for some rest. Ah! What a nice weather. What just dropped!? Gosh it hitted hard! Almighty! What kind of thing it is? Wait, something is sculpted on it. A fish's tail? Strange! Here it goes with me."

(Crew member no. 3)

"I'm just walking like a fool. Oh my! Who...who is there? Come out or else I won't forgive you. Who is there? Oh God! Fishes and fox! Aish...I was startled by a tiny creature, a sparrow, pity on me!"

(Meanwhile William was waiting for others to come back)

"Are they discovering the island or digging the history of it? They are taking so long. I hope that they return back soon before the dawn. Almighty God! I was freaked out! Who is there behind our ship? Gotta see."

(He took out his sword and started taking steps forward slowly and quietly and then he place his sword on that unknown figure's neck)

"Who are you? You better show me your face. Turn around or else I'll cut you down into pieces."

"Let me go please. I came here by mistake. Okay if I'll show you my face then will you let me go?"

"Stop blabbering. I'm warning you. Turn around!"

"Forgive me please, forgive my soul!"



" You..what are you doing here?"

"I...I am lost."

"It is dangerous to roam around on an unknown place. And what makes you so fluster that you can't even make an eye contact with me? Why are you looking down? Look at me."

"I..I don't know William! I am sorry. I don't know why I can't make an eye contact with you!"

"Alright? So you're lost huh! May I help you to find your way back to your original place?"

"William please take me with you. I request you, I beg you, please take me with you! Wherever you are going, take me with you. I beg you."

"Maria stop crying first of all! Why so sudden? What happened?"

"Will, please take me with you first and then I'll explain you everything."

"Alright Maria! I hate seeing you like this, I don't want to see tears in your eyes, please stop. Okay then I'll take you with me."

"William help me please, hurry up!"

"Young man seems like you don't love your life! Take it as a reward!"


"Maria! Maria! Maria why? Why? Ah why?"

"Poor girl came in your way, see now she is suffering because of you."

"Maria! Ah damn ah"

"Will! William? Where are you? Aish this boy! I told him to wait here for us."


"Back off! Stay away from William or else we'll kill you, we'll cut you down! Back off from him!"

"Try hard next time."

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