Maria's apology

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Careless and fearless shall not be compared to her, but she played as a human. The feeling of compassion might have faded in that heart or is it a realisation of an illusionistic world?

"Miss McCleary! What brings you here after that good day?
Or want me to take you back for nine and a half mission on the bay?"

There must be something crazy about your presence, you think? But for now I can't wait for the next word from the next person.

"You must accept these few words
O William because deep inside it scratches for boycotting a sailor's expectation,
When it is your's, by my side, then for sure I'll accept this rejection."

"Miss, you don't have to get down to the earth like winds of the ocean during unnecessary times."

"I'll just hand it over to you young sailor and now the ball is in your court."

"Miss you must wait for another sixty seconds where the another judgement is pending, and the right timing says that this heart is craving to show some pity on you."

"It would be better if you show some tonight."

Men must be fine for other good days.
I hope it doesn't need more limits.

A/N : William was not happy after what Maria did to him.
"The feeling of compassion" means when Maria showed some pity on him and when he became a legitimate sailor. "Realisation of illusionistic world" is that some people believe that this world and this universe is not more than an illusion.
The next day when William was cleaning the dirt from his ship, Maria came to him with an apology.
He asked her that what brings her towards him or if she wants to enjoy those silent nine and a half minutes on his ship like before.
She might be beautiful but her silence is unacceptable for him and he can't wait for the "next word" more like next voice which should be the voice of her. She requests him to grant the apology for that day of her being a rebellion, and she promised him that she will not say anything if William do the same thing like her. And also, it hurts her too for whatever she did to him. Then he said that she belongs to an aristocrat family and she shouldn't apologize to an ordinary sailor. "Winds of the ocean during unnecessary times" means when a ship or a boat is sailing and then suddenly stormy winds blow and cause a dangerous situation for the sailor. Then she left the decision on him about the apology.
He said to wait for another one minute and then he forgave her by showing some pity. Then Maria asked him out for a night to spend together. But just for a sweet conversation.

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