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Izuku whipped his head around at the growl Katsuki released, emerald eyes falling onto the form of the same scrawny doctor from before. His soft face read confusion as the brunet slumped against the doorframe with a groan, head tilted downwards and a snarl curled on his lips that presented his elongated fangs. Saliva dripped from his teeth in thick glops, the doctor's lime green eyes snapping open to reveal that his pupils were reduced to slits, the man before him absolutely feral. The Omega took an instinctive step back in surprise, legs hitting the bed as a warm hand clutched his arm from behind. "Izuku, stay back." Katsuki commanded with a gravely, dark tone, sitting up despite his injuries as his face contorted into one of complete fury. The Omega couldn't even begin to question what was happening as his body reacted on its own to the demand from his Alpha, scurrying to the opposite side of the hospital bed and instinctively covering his ears with tears starting to leak from his scrunched up eyes. The room shook as a blast was directed to the doctor, a manic laugh reverberating loudly throughout the room when he was hit on the shoulder.

"You just couldn't stay dead, could you!?" The voice rang in the tiny greenette's ears, eyes slightly opening as the stomping of shoes was heard before the villain was knocked out by a hardened fist. He fell to the floor in a lump, a head of red hair coming into view with a proud grin.

"Sorry, we had to wait until he attacked to arrest him... You know... Evidence..." Kirishima spoke sheepishly, Katsuki glaring at him with what seemed to be complete bewilderment. Izuku shook in the corner with his eyelids screwed shut tightly, the beta taking notice and awkwardly nodding his head towards the Omega, Katsuki slowly following his gaze until he was letting out a soft croon, luring the frightened male closer. The freckled boy sniffled and whined in the back of his throat, stomach lurching and tear-filled gaze shifting to his mate-to-be with hazy eyes. He slowly scooted closer to the bed subconsciously, lithe fingers attaching to the scentless sheet with a more tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, letting out a panicked noise that could only be described as pure distress. The Alpha grimaced at the sound, recognizing the signs of a possible drop as Izuku clutched the bedding tightly with his scent swirling freely in the air, the rancid smell of distress heavy in the room. Crimson eyes shifted to the other people in the room, baring his fangs warningly before stumbling out of bed with a grunt of slight pain and sinking down next to the freckled male.

"Izuku, baby, look at me." His voice was soothing, gentle, patient — he had to bring the Omega out of his pre-state before he actually dropped. It could be disastrous for everyone in the hospital. His shaky, previously broken fingers hooked under his chin, eyes soft and scent glands releasing an onslaught of calming pheromones. "Come on, baby boy. You have to snap out of it. Everything's okay, see? Your Alpha's right here..." The Alpha purred softly to his Omega, the other pro heroes in the doorway practically combusting in disbelief at the unheard of tenderness coming from the typically brash and aggressive hero. A keen whimper escaped Izuku's scabbed lips, his instincts distantly recognizing the man before him as his mate-to-be as he staggered forwards, falling into his awaiting arms with a choked sob.

"A-alpha..." The labored voice left Katsuki sighing in relief, kissing along the underside of his jaw and watching from the corner of his eye as Kirishima herded everyone out of the room to give them more privacy. "N-need... Closer..." The greenette pleaded with teary vision, curling into the Alpha's embrace and nosing at his scent glands desperately. Katsuki obliged, scooping the boy into his lap despite the pain radiating from his sore body. Even though he had been healed, he would still hurt for a while. The blond cradled him close, whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he lulled the boy to sleep, fingers playing with his unruly curls and massaging his scalp gently.

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