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"Izuku, honey," his mother sighed, arms outstretched and her body close to his as she helped him down the stairs leading from his apartment, a worried frown settling amongst her kind features. The small boy huffed in exhaustion, a hand laying limp against the outline of his large stomach, his oversized maternity shirt pressing over the bulge and hardly containing the new fat where the supple skin once laid flat. "Be careful!" She quickly scolded as he stumbled slightly, barely catching himself with the railing. He laughed softly, offering a small smile to his mother as he gripped the railing tightly, stepping down a few more steps. "We should've taken the elevator..." she groaned, laughing at how he struggled to step down from the last step.

"Don't laugh!" He pouted, reaching down under his tummy to unbutton his loose jeans, exhaling loudly as he felt himself being able to breathe easier. "These damned appointments are going to be the death of me!" He complained, whining like a child as he pushed his belly up, supporting the bulge with his hand. It was heavy, he'd admit. He had gained at least 30 more pounds since his first ultrasound, and as much as his mom had attempted to help him, it was still a huge hassle getting places. Luckily, she did most of his grocery shopping, happy to retrieve whatever strange craving he was having that day. From pickles and ice cream, to cottage cheese (which was weird in itself, he had never liked the item until he got pregnant) and tacos. It was downright disgusting, and if it weren't for the way his mouth salivated at the sight of the insanely gross concoctions, he knew he would throw up seeing the combinations had he not been the one requesting the food items. Inko chuckled, as he stepped into her car, shaking her head in amusement.


Izuku shivered at the cool gel spread over his bulging stomach, the small device running over his skin making a nervous smile tug at his lips. The woman controlling the device offered a reassuring grin, shifting in her seat as she glanced up at the screen. She smiled, stopping the movements of the device and taking a screenshot of the picture. She slowly set the device down, clasping her hands together happily. Would you like to know the gender yet, Mr.Midoriya?" The doctor asked calmly, Izuku glancing up his dam, who gave a nod, and he looked back at the tall woman.

"Yes, please," he chuckled anxiously, the brunette Omega standing and pointing at the screen.

"See that?" She questioned, earning a small nod and a quiet hum. She grinned, "she's in a rather strange position," the Omegan doctor laughed softly, gesturing towards the baby's folded over position. "Your baby girl is going to be a wild one," Izuku's eyes went wide, mouth hanging agape.

"B-baby girl?" He whispered, tears welling up in his emerald eyes, a big smile forming on his lips as he giggled. Inko moved forward, capturing her pup in a hug as he cried. "Mom, I'm having a little girl!" He sobbed in joy, the doctor grinning warmly as she printed the photograph for him, waiting patiently for him to calm down before handing the small picture to him. Freckled fingers shakily grabbed onto the paper, wiping his tears with a sniffle, staring down at the black and white image in awe. If only Katsuki could be here for this. Would he even be happy? He hoped so. Would she look like him? Get his quirk, or be quirkless like him? He was so excited for this pup to be born, he'd given up his dream to be a mother, and no matter what, he was going to give her the best life possible. Maybe one day he would let the Alpha meet his pup — when she's old enough to handle that, of course — and perhaps they could set up arrangements for the little girl to see her father on the weekends. That is, if she wants to. He quickly shook his head, grabbing his dam's offered hand and letting her pull him into a sitting position.

"I'll leave you two be now. I want you back by next week for another checkup, the receptionist should help you make an appointment. Your due date is rounding the corner, I'd say you're due in.... two months!" She explained, grabbing her clipboard and scribbling a few words down on the chart. "Everything seems to be in order, are you meeting your daily calorie intake?" She hummed out a question, glancing up to see the Omega nod. "Good, and are you staying off your feet? It's not good for an Omega such as yourself to be pushing it too hard, being as it's your first pregnancy. I want you to only take on as much as your body allows you. That means no going out unless you have someone with you," she glared, knowing that he had already broken that rule more than once already. "Now, the only thing left is...." her gaze wandered off, before she quickly snapped her attention back down to her clipboard. She wrote down a few things on a spare sheet of paper, ripping the note off and handing it to the greenette male. "This is a list of foods I want you to start eating, with your hormone levels, this will be your best option. You need to keep healthy, while still making sure your body is getting what is best for you."

Izuku took the offered list, scanning over it for a few moments before folding it and sliding it into his shirt pocket. "Got it," he smiled, using the table as leverage to haul himself up to stand. "Stay off my feet, eat healthy, don't push myself," he parroted mindlessly, rolling his shirt back down after cleaning off the cold gel and struggling to button his maternity pants. He really had to get sweatpants, he noted.

"Alright, that should be all! See you next week, Mr.Midoriya," she said sweetly, reaching a hand out and gesturing for him to take it. He took her warm hand in his own, the two shaking hands before she opened the door for them.

Inko led her son to the car — but not before waiting for a painful amount of time for the receptionist to finish setting up the next checkup — and opened the passenger door to let him crawl in. "Hungry?" She asked softly, placing her purse down as she climbed into the driver's seat.

"Always," he giggled, hand swooping down to rub small circles over his bulging tummy. A hard kick had him gasping, staring down with adoration as he felt another one. "And I guess she is, too," he noted with a happy laugh, staring out the window as he calmly rubbed his stomach, seemingly settling his daughter.


Another chapter! I hope you enjoyed this, next chapter is going to be a bit of angst! Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!

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