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Izuku yawned tiredly as he shuffled forward with his eyes squinted, one hand underneath his bulging tummy as he held the basket close. The Omega let himself peek into the shopping basket, mindlessly assuring for the third time that he had grabbed everything he needed. He had snuck out of his own house. His mother hadn't left his side in weeks, the older woman too afraid to let him out of her sight in fear of him getting hurt. His due date was rounding the corner, he was to give birth any day now, and he knew he was being risky going out on his own. His hormone levels were through the roof, he could hardly keep his instincts at bay, and the greenette was all too aware of the fact that some Alphas couldn't control themselves when it came to a pregnant, unclaimed Omega. It was in their nature to take on the role of a sire when another Alpha couldn't provide for an Omega, after all. Izuku tried his best to ignore the possessive glances of the unmated Alphas around him, walking up to the self-checkout area, and slowly scanning his items. He heard a small commotion near the entrance, raising a brow in question as he lifted his head, gaze locking onto a head of blond hair. The Omega's breath hitched in his throat, looking back down in an attempt to hide himself.

His inner panic was starting to show on his face, thanking the gods that he had remembered to apply a shit ton of scent blockers before leaving the house. The smell of caramel and smoke drifted over to him, doused in the musky scent of sweat and testosterone, the Alpha surely coming from training. Izuku had to stifle a whine, fingers flexing as he struggled not to run and jump into the man's arms. He had to control himself. Reluctantly, he scanned the last item, shoving the objects into a bag and paying quickly, grabbing his things and practically rushing out of the store. Why did he have to be there? Of all people. Of all places. Katsuki Bakugou just had to come there. The pregnant Omega rushed to his car, slamming the door as he climbed in and let the tears start to fall. He reached out to grab onto the steering wheel, knuckles turning white as he whimpered out broken a sob. Wetness between his legs had his eyes snapping open, a panicked gasp flailing past his lips as he fumbled to grab his phone, hands so shaky that he could hardly keep the device in his hand.

Izuku cried softly, holding the device up to his ear, as he waited, eyes brimming with wet tears. "Hello? Izuku, baby, where are you? I'm worried-" His mother's voice sounded from the other line, the greenette letting out a long, pain filled whine.

"Mom... I-it's happening..." the male sniffled, cupping his stomach in absolute terror. The woman was silent for a few moments, until he heard the rattle of keys.

"Hunny, where are you? I'm coming to get you. C'mon," she cooed gently, trying her best to calm him. Izuku hardly heard the question at all, too busy staring at the entrance of the store to answer his dam. There Katsuki stood, his best friend clinging onto him as they walked out, a bag in each of their hands. He wanted to growl. To rip the red head away from his Alpha. "Izuku?" She said, snapping his attention back to her. "Tell me where you are," She commanded, the tiny male stuttering out his location. "Okay, sweetie. Sit tight, I'll be there soon."

The Omega cried out in pain as he laid in the hospital bed, several nurses surrounding him as the doctor calmly directed him on what to do. He faintly recognized his mother's hand squeezing his, her sweet voice whispering reassuring words softly into his ear. "One last push, Midoriya! C'mon, almost there!" The doctor said, Izuku whimpering out in complete agony. He screamed, body falling limp as the doctor scooped his child up in her arms, the Omega laying back against the pillow with a long whine. He was absolutely exhausted, eyes threatening to close as his surroundings slowly began to dissolve around him. His mother kissed his temple, the noise from the nurses beginning to fade away as well, sleep slowly starting to take over him.

"Sleep, sweetheart," she whispered into his ear, the greenette already snoring softly.

Izuku blinked his eyes open, the only light being the soft, luminous glow from the moon shining in from the window. His dam sat beside him, her hand interlocked with his as she rested against his leg, sound asleep. He smiled resting his head back against the pillow as he stared up at the ceiling. The space had an artificial smell to it, the scent cleanser they use to rid the room of pheromones after each patient leaving a slightly stale smell that stung his nose and left his instincts in a sense of confusion. He slowly sat up, body slightly aching from the intense pain that had enveloped his body prior to his falling asleep, and sighed. Carefully, he slid out of the bed, placing a pillow under his mother's head in replacement of his leg, and quietly tip-toed out of the hospital room. He crept down the hall, the corridor faintly lit by a few lights, which was just enough for him to see where he was going, his inner Omega reeling in his mind. He arrived at the nursery, staring in at the several pups laying peacefully in bassinets. His emerald eyes fell upon a certain baby, tears starting to fill his vision as he placed a hand on the glass, her few strands of blond hair falling messily around her chubby face.

"Midoriya, you shouldn't be out bed!" His doctor scolded from behind him, the Omega glancing back at her with a sheepish grin. "But, I suppose I'll allow it just this once," she smiled at him, standing beside him. "Beautiful, isn't she?"

"She's even more prefect than I imagined..." the greenette whispered, smiling softly as he watched her sleep soundly.

"Do you know what you're going to name her?" The woman asked, the freckled male noticing she wasn't wearing her scrubs, concluding that she was about to head home. He nodded with a grin, eyes locked on his daughter.



I hope you enjoyed this! I know it's been a while since I last updated this, but I've been absolutely swamped with school. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!

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