Chapter 8 shock and introductions

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Chapter 8 shock and introductions

The wolves did not seem fond of the man at the moment. Even though he walked beside them calmly. The wolves did not seem to take kindly to something, I was too distracted to think more about that as I stared into the eyes which I had seen two years ago. I didn't understand.

"Now, I know that you're probably going to go into shock or faint at some point." He didn't really seem to care much about this fact that I could potentially fait or go into shock. At least his tone didn't show it. "I would recommend sitting down." I blinked at him in confusion but my back hit the tree and I felt myself sinking down.

"I'm Sorry but...who are you?" The man's eyes widened and he facepalmed. Some of the wolves which surrounded us seemed to laugh, I wasn't quite sure if wolves could laugh but. I knew that they had ways to show happiness such as wagging their tail. Yet I wasn't sure I had seen a wolf laugh before.

"To be honest I should also be asking you that." The man in front of me chuckled as he sat down, he was about two feet away from me and he didn't seem to care that there were wolves surrounding us. "My name is Ralph Sheehan. Pardon my poor manners."

Ralph seemed extremely nervous. I couldn't exactly say why that was, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously and he seemed to be nervous with his choice of words. I assumed that he didn't talk to strangers often. I was once again wondering how I had gotten myself into such a situation. "I'm Aiden, Aiden Forst."

I wasn't quite sure how to describe the man's- Ralph's expression. He seemed unimpressed somehow. Yet he put on a smile and held out a hand, I noticed that He was rather tall, even though he sat a little ways away I had no problem shaking his hand. He was about three or four inches taller than me. It wasn't much but it was a little bit noticeable at the moment. "It's nice to meet you Aiden. What are you do-"

He was interrupted suddenly as one of the wolves, seemingly one of the pups bounced forward. It was rather excited. I was ready to press my back into the tree and pet a small wolf. WHat I didn't expect was to feel two rather human arms surrounding me. "Uncle Aiden!" I heard a young voice shout as I hesitantly hugged the child back.

I blinked in confusion and shock. I had never been called Uncle Aiden before, I had never seen this child in my life and why would I be called their uncle? I sat there in confusion for a moment until the child pulled back. They had Tawny eyes and long hair , I couldn't bring myself to look away from their face due to their lack of clothing. It was something odd for me, I looked towards Ralph who seemed to be rather annoyed.

He wasn't the only one annoyed seemingly as a few wolves gave whines of disapproval. One started to come over to us, I recognised the wolf immediately. It was the mother, it was the wolf who I had helped two years ago. Her presence made me smile and I waved slightly. Even if I was still feeling slightly dizzy from the shock.

"Erm..." I muttered as My eyes watched the female wolf and then they trailed to Ralph. He seemed nervous, like he would be biting his nails or something similar. "What?" I asked with a shaky voice. I meant many different things by the question. What I emant to say was, Why did they call me Uncle Aiden? Why are there wolves surrounding us? Why did the wolf turn into a child? How could it be possible for a wolf to turn into a child?

Ralph sighed. "What have we told you little one?" He reached forward and took the child's hand gently . "you have to be more careful." He then whispered to them which caused their cheeks to go bright pink and so they ran off in the direction of the shadows. They returned a few moments later in a light pink dress, they looked incredibly adorable. They seemed to be about four or five and they were now rather nervous. The excitement I had seen in the wolves eyes were mirrored in the little girl's.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly, I had to strain my hearing in order to understand what she said. "I just got excited to see you again." I was extremely certain that I had never seen this girl in my life. I would remember if I had. She seemed familiar in the same way Ralph did. She started to move towards the Gray wolf, now it seemed that she was slightly afraid of me. The gray wolf looked at her and gave her a big lick on the face which caused her to shriek a laugh.

"It's alright." I told her sincerely. I didn't know what she was apologizing for, probably the hug, but I saw no issues in that. I just wanted answers as to how she knew me and how the wolf was somehow able to turn into a human. The thought alone increased my dizziness. I had to lean back on the tree a little bit.

Ralph looked at me concerned, It was a genuine case of feeling concerned for me or those around him. He sighed slightly and stood up. He turned around, I didn't know who he was addressing at first, until he started to point all around him. "I'm going to take it from here. Go home for a while and rest." His gaze stopped ont he little girl for a moment or two. "You're helping your mother with the chores tonight."

The little girl didn't make any arguments, in fact I think I saw a glimmer of happiness in her eyes.The wolves all started to leave, some more heasintant than the others yet they all eventually left. Ralph turned back to me, a small smile on his face. "Right then...I suppose I better explain some things."

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