Chapter 21 comprehending the incomprehensible

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Chapter 21Comprehending the Incomprehensible

I couldn't think, this couldn't be right. How would I be soulmates to a werewolf? I know I had been told, my birthday was one of the reasons. Perhaps it was just fate. Isn't that what a soulmate is? Fate? It felt like it was much, much more than what I was thinking of. I still sat at the base of the tree, not saying anything. I tried to understand what I was being told. It was like my brain was denying the information.

"What does this mean?" My voice still sounded like an echo to me, it was as though someone was talking to me from another room, but there was no room. We were in the middle of the forest. I couldn't bring myself to look at Ralph, in fear that looking at him would show me something I didn't like. I don't know what it could've been. I just couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"It means..." His deep voice was soft and quiet, it was like he was trying not to startle me. "It means that we...are uh-meant to be together?" he phrased it like a question, as though I would have the answer. As though he was asking if I would accept that explanation. He stuttered and mumbled, he seemed to do that a lot."Is that alright?" he asked.

The question made my mind whirl at a thousand miles a minute, was it alright? How was I supposed to know if it was alright? I nodded slowly but I was still considering the question. "I'm not quite sure I understand." I rubbed my face and I tried to stay as calm as I could. "This...doesn't happen." I could feel him shift above me. I had to look up, I had to see if he was serious. His eyes bore into my own as I stared at him.

"We're soulmates." He said confidently and firmly. "I don't think that I could last another, Nevermind." He ran a hand through his hair again, his voice had broke and he looked away from me again. His eyes were trained on a bird which was not too far away from us. "I don't think I can last another two years, knowing that you're out there. Not knowing where you are."

"Then don't." I said rather loudly, I stood up and walked over to him, I was slow and unsure but I knew what I wanted to say. "Don't let this camping trip be the last time that I see you." He turned to me with wide eyes and a small frown. "You would have to come see me, I don't live too far away. I can come here often." My voice became stern, or at least I tried to make it stern. "Though I'm not immediately going from strangers to soulmates."

He started to laugh, I thought he was laughing at me for a moment, I had started to regret my decision. This laugh wasn't like the laughs I had heard throughout my childhood, the laughs which meant someone was making fun of me. This was a genuine, light laugh. It made my heart swell with happiness. "Seriously?" His smile was bright and wide, he looked at me with shining eyes. "Seriously?"

I blinked a few times, this reaction wasn't what I had expected. I had expected him to argue with me or shun my condition. I know that werewolves probably weren't used to the dating scene. Then again, they seem to be a pretty happy family from what I had witnessed. "Seriously, what?" I kept my serious tone, yet a smile still appeared on my face.

He didn't give me an answer, instead he leaped at me and hugged me. Now, I'm not talking about the kind of hug where he fell on me and we hugged awkwardly. I mean the kind of hug where he lifted me off my feet and swung me around slightly. I made many noises of surprise and disapproval as I was swung around like a ragdoll. "Yes, yes, yes!" He said loudly as I continued to be in his arms.

"Ralph? Ralph? Ralph?" I started to ask continuously as I was still in the air. He paid no attention to me as I continued to be hugged. I sighed a little bit, I didn't mind the hug. It was a warm and comforting hug which I probably would have melted in. "Can I be put down now?" It was rather awkward for someone as tall as I am to be off my feet. Ralph wasn't that much taller than me. He was a lot stronger then me.

"Oh...sorry." he mumbled as I was very gently placed back on my feet. I sent him a somewhat weak smile. "I'm just so happy that I'm getting a chance." I swear I saw a faint tint of pink on his cheeks but I could have been mistaken. He looked down tot eh ground again and cleared his throat. "So will I see you tomorrow?"

It was my turn to laugh lightly. We had such a big variety of emotion between us within the past ten minutes nad we were suddenly back to normal. I doubted that it would return fully back to normal but it was worth a shot. "Yes." I nodded my head and crossed my arms, looking up into his eyes. "Do you want to meet me here? Or shall I try and retrace my steps?"

He raised an eyebrow at me and stepped closer. The closeness caused him to tower over me. "I'll see how far you get, I'll be in my wolf form, if that's alright?" I nodded up at him, it was a little bit difficult to breath with him so close, the scent of the forest was extremely prominent. "I'll be there if, no, when you get lost."he smirked down at me and I stepped back slightly.

"Hey, I navigate these woods quite well, even if I do say so myself!" I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed playfully. "I may not be a wolf, but i've done pretty well so far. If you're going to be like that then I shall bid you a farewell good sir!" It was obvious that I wasn't serious as I walked over to my tent and sat down.

"Very well!" He played along and spread his arms wide. "I wish you the finest of evenings and the best of luck. For the morrow's ventures will be troublesome." He left with a laugh and mischief in his eyes. I thought I heard him mumble something but it must have just been my imagination. 

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