Chapter 13 A visitor

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Chapter 13 A visitor

Aiden's POV

I didn't hear from Ralph that morning. I stayed by my tent and wrote in my laptop. I wrote up the rest of my notes from the day before. I had excitement in my fingers and I found it rather difficult to type without making any mistakes or typos.

I knew I couldn't write about the wolves in the forest. I wouldn't be talking about werewolves at all, I could only do that if I wanted to be locked up and possibly expelled. Expelled from university isn't one experience that I would like to have. I couldn't say that there were wolves here either. I didn't really want people knowing where exactly I had went camping but I still wanted to pass this class.

I just had to be extremely descriptive, that wasn't my strong suit. I didn't do very well when it came to describing things and putting things into words. I was more of a visual person. I didn't like to go off into tangents about describing one little thing.

My thoughts on this drifted as I could hear footsteps in the woods. I looked up from my laptop to see Ralph. He was wearing a simple black T-shirt and some shorts. He didn't wear any shoes, it was something which I found particularly odd but I supposed that he was used to touching earth and mud.

"Hello." I smiled as I continued to type on my keyboard. Most of what I wrote would probably be deleted later, due to my lack of concentration. He gave me a stunning smile and a quick wave as he looked around curiously. I had noticed that he was looking at my campsite with a lot of confusion the day before. I suppose he wasn't used to anything like this.

"Good afternoon." He told me as he came closer and sat down. He wasn't really sat near me. He seemed to be giving me some space. "How are you feeling?" His eyes showed concern. To be honest. I was feeling alright. That fact alone scared me slightly. I had nearly been attacked by a bear. I shouldn't be doing as alright as I am. I had also found out that werewolves existed.

"I'm doing surprisingly well." I chuckled and put my laptop down, setting it next to me. I noticed his eyes watched it in curiosity. "How are you this afternoon?" He blinked slightly in surprise, He leant forwards and rested his elbows on his knees.

"I'm doing pretty alright myself, thank you." He lifted his hand up and rubbed his chin which held a little bit of stubble. "Channon and Channing haven't stopped following me this morning but Beaumont made a wonderful breakfast. So I'm pretty satisfied." He seemed to be holding back something, something which I wasn't going to ask about. "Do you want to meet them today?"

I was grateful for the fact that I was not drinking anything as my mouth opened in shock. "Y-you mean the pack?" I wanted to make sure I understood what he was saying correctly. I hadn't had confirmation yet and I could feel my palms start to become clammy. I still had some excitement though. He didn't show that he noticed my nerves start to increase as he nodded. I could see some signs of nervousness on him, slowly creeping in.

"Yes." He said slowly, starting to scratch his wrist slightly. "Only if you want to, of course." He looked down at the ground slightly before raising his eyes to meet mine. His eyes were warm and comforting. They made me want to melt. "They are all rather interested in you. Especially Melina." He gave another laugh and he raised his eyebrows ."You have a fan."

My cheeks turned a light pink colour at his words. Melina was an adorable little girl and I knew that she was probably grateful for what I had done two years ago. Yet she didn't really know me. My heart warmed when she called me 'uncle Aiden'. "She is adorable." I mumbled, it seemed that he ahd heard me clear as day as he nodded along .

"Yes she is." He scratched the back of his neck. "Uh- she is excited to see you again and to thank you. In fact all the kids are, as well as Abilene." He looked up to me with hopeful eyes. If I held out any longer, it seemed that he may even get on his knees and beg for me to go.

"I'll come." I nodded with a smile, excitement and nerves filling my senses. "Just let me pack up some stuff from here." He nodded eagerly and stayed where he was. I could feel his eyes on me as I did my usual stuff. I wasn't afraid of leaving ym things alone in the forest, especially now I knew the werewolves hadn't been found by anyone.

"I-you know what? Nevermind." He seemed eager to tell me something before he shook his head and moved on. I looked at him in confusion. He can't just do that...I groaned rather loudly. I had a smile on my face but the annoyance was clear. "What? I don't want to frighten you off!"

The air between us was casual and comfortable. It was nice to feel this way with someone outside of my family. I had to shake myself out of the fantasy that I had gotten myself into. Just because werewolves exist, it doesn't eman that I suddenly made friends with them. Of course I wasn't completely alone in my life, yet I didn't have many friends. I definitely was not the popular one ins school. "I highly doubt that you would frighten me off now."

He smiled at me and stood up, he dusted himself off slightly before clapping his hands together. "Alright then. You're the first human to visit the pack house." He grinned as I stopped moving, I looked at him in surprise before closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath. "Scared yet?"

I shook my head and I continued to walk beside him, I had brought my backpack with me full of things that I didn't particularly want to leave by themselves at my tent. I wasn't sure how far away the packhouse was. I was a little scared that Ralph would put a blindfold on me as we walked through the woods. If I was the first human visitor that they had ever had, surely they would want it to be a secret. Surely they would not want me to know it's whereabouts.

He didn't, He didn't seem at all worried about the fact I was learning how to get to the pack house. In fact, he seemed to enjoy telling me the way as he lead me further into the woods. He pointed to trees and rocks which could be landmarks. It almost made me worried.

It took us around fifteen minutes to get to where the packhouse was. From the outside it just looked like a rather small home in the middle of the forest. It looked rather run-down. I had been told by Ralph that the wolves often made their own houses or extensions onto existing houses if they were lucky enough to find one. I wondered how they managed with no human visitors to come and repair things. I only got a chuckle in response to my question. All members of the pack had their own jobs and skills. I was about to find that out for myself.

Part of the Pack (Book 1 in the 'part of' series)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum