Chapter 35 Putting plans into action

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Chapter 35 putting plans into action

I couldn't believe that we were actually doing this. I was at the packhouse all afternoon and all night telling the members about the proper way to do petitions and what a protest was. It was something which took a lot of time and energy into organising. I was determined not to witness a fight or a battle over territories.

I know that it seems selfish. The wolves had more experience with this type of fighting and if they would be able to sort it out this way, then I really shouldn't have any say in it. Humans were involved at the moment and we wanted to minimise injury.

"This is odd." Moss said with furrowed eyebrows. He had his arms crossed and was watching me closely as I explained. "It's a good odd but it's still a little odd." Tempest had her arm around him and was looking at him as he spoke. She had a slightly goofy smile on her face as she spoke.

"Yes, though something different will be fun." Her voice was calming and reassuring. I wasn't sure if this was a tone she only used towards Moss but it was rather different from what I had seen so far. "It'll be nice to do something good in a calm way. To fight in a calm way, like humans do."

Hollis chuckled "This wasn't what I meant by getting the human experience." He nudged Ralph teasingly. Ralph'sexpression turned to one of unamusement as Hollis continued "I was talking about going to the shopping centre and clubs or pubs." He continued on, needless to say that wasn't what he meant. "Seeing how humans fight is interesting."

"So humans don't fight?" Beaumont asked curiously. I was standing in front of them all and it felt as though I was giving a lecture. "With...violence and stuff?" I chuckled slightly and shook my head. I wondered how these guys could live without knowing these basic things about humans. Their interactions must really be limited.

"Oh, violent fights happen." I nodded and rubbed my arm nervously. "Though we prefer non-violent conflicts and solutions to things. There are wide degrees and ranges of physical fights." The children seemed to have started listening in as their eyes lit up slightly.

"Have you ever been in a fight?" Lowell asked quietly. He was curious and adorable. I found my heart melting at any time I saw these children. They all seemed so innocent and strong at the same time. Oran and the twins gave eager nods whilst Melina just looked on curiously, waiting for my reaction.

"I've been in a few." I chuckled lightly. I took it as childish curiosity. None of the members of the pack seemed to scold them for asking like human parents may have. It might've been something normal for them all. I shrugged slightly. "Some of them I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and some other times it was standing up for people."

It wasn't a complete lie. I didn't count the times that I was bullied as being fights. I had stuck up for a few people in school which made some people turn on me. I didn't really care as long as the other person was alright. I was strong and I could hold my own.

"So petitions require a lot of people right?" Eben said with an anxious tone. He was rubbing his chin as he thought. "Where will we get that?" The others nodded as he asked me this. I blinked a few times. I had a lot to teach this pack about the capabilities of technology.

"The internet." I said simply. I'd given a basic demonstration of how to use it when we were stuck in my apartment. "There's also plenty of students at university who are willing to sign things. You just need to know where to stand to get the crowd." This wasn't my first time doing a petition. I had to do quite a few for university work, I had even done some in sixth form and secondary school.

"Finally!" Tempest said happily as she leant forward. "We get to learn more about the internet!" She was one of the most excited wolves when I had shown them the technology which I had in my apartment. It was as though I was showing them a whole new world of possibilities.

I gave a slight chuckle. I was unsure if the rest of the pack shared her enthusiasm, it was clear Eben and Lathen weren't too keen. "I'll get the petition sorted. That shouldn't take me too long." I shifted where I stood, moving from foot to foot. "I'm not sure what we could do for a peaceful protest but we can work it out after the petition." I gave a reassuring smile, at least I hoped it was reassuring.

"How do we know it's going to work?" Elowen said with worry in her tone. I didn't want to answer her. I felt like I was giving the wolves hope for something which might not happen. These things have worked in the past and they've failed in the past. I didn't want to make them feel like I was giving them the answers that they needed.

"We don't." Ralph said as he came closer to me. He gave the rest of the pack a confident and determined look. "We just have to have faith that it will. We don't know what's happening. We were fortunate to have this information so soon. We'll try and if it doesn't work then we'll try something else."

As someone who was unfamiliar with the dynamics of a pack, it was rather moving to see the reactions which the pack gave to Ralph's words. They seemed to straighten up, their confidence increasing as they took int he words being spoken. I would have assumed that Ralph was using some of his power as the future alpha. To me, it just seemed like he was being an encouraging team leader.

"Well, it's not going to hurt. Even if we fail." Eben gave a small smile before he clapped his hands and looked to Lathen with a silent nod. "Alright. Just tell us what needs to be done, Aiden." I blinked a few times as the attention was brought back to me.

"Uh. Good thing I brought my laptop." I gave a small smile, I knew that we wouldn't be able to get any internet but I had brought a powerbank with me. I always made sure to have one in my laptop case. "Right, so to start we'll need some pictures of some animals which live here."

"I know a very cute one." Randall said with a cheeky smile. Ralph reached over and gave him a slight shove as everyone laughed. The determination had left a light hearted energy in the room. The panic was still there but it was much less prominent than what it was a few moments ago.

"We know you're so adorable!" Hollis joked as he came over and pinched Randall's cheeks. The laughter only increased as Randall tried to push Hollis' hands away to no avail. "I could just eat you right up!"The laughter continued. This was going to be rather stressful, but if any of this was to go by, it'll be fun too.

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